近年來,環境生態遭受破壞與氣候變遷日益劇烈,且綠色消費觀已漸由國人所認知;餐飲服務耗用資源、製造污染與廢棄物,亦開始面對此綠化要求。本研究以台灣觀光旅館餐飲部門及餐館業為範圍,問卷調查綠色餐飲之四大環境措施面向--污染防制與健康環境、資源節省、綠色採購及永續食材,以瞭解台灣餐廳業者認知於實務上推動綠色餐飲之重要性、困難性與執行程度。本研究發現三型態餐廳業者確實在認知與執行程度上有所差異;經由IDPA(Importance-Difficulty-Performance Analysis)方法分析可知「污染防制健康環境」多能「突破艱難好表現」,但「節省資源」與「綠色採購」則多落入「低關注區」尤其實務操作中,水回收或水量監測系統對相關從業人員而言,具有相當困難性。本研究認為綠色餐飲之推動有許多新概念、新措施與思維,政府宜從產業創新角度,協助餐廳業者知識認知與實務執行輔導。 Recently, the devastating ecological environment and aggravating global warming as well as green consumerism have “greening” pressure on the restaurant industry, which consumes lots of resources and makes pollution and waste. This study investigated food service departments in tourist hotels, and independent restaurants in Taiwan regarding their perceived importance, difficulty and practical performance in adopting “green food” measures in the four aspects – pollution control and healthy environment, resources usage reducing, green purchasing as well as sustainable food. The results showed there was significant difference in the restaurants’ cognition and performance. By means of Importance-Difficulty-Performance Analysis (IDPA), most activities of “pollution control and healthy environment” were “difficult but good performance”, while “resources usage reducing” and “green purchasing” were located in the “low priority” area. It was found the restaurant industry does need new concepts and new measures in developing green food service; thus, the government’s assistance and provision of consultation in implementation and knowledge empowerment was suggested.