電子商務(Electronic Commerce, EC)已是現代經濟的一種重要形態,在全球化浪潮中,電子商務讓企業在全球市場上具備競爭的實力,透過電子商務也讓企業接觸商機的機會達到最大,並成為二十一世紀企業生存的基礎建設之一。兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA)內文中提及兩岸合作事項,「電子商務」即為兩岸經濟加強合作項目之一,秉此,本文即從兩岸電子商務環境下的分析出發,進而探討在後ECFA時代,兩岸如何在電子商務的合作上獲得雙贏,從而提出兩岸對於電子商務合作需改善與補足之處,最後探討兩岸如何進一步強化電子商務合作,並促進經貿合作發展。本文結論認為,兩岸在電子商務產業合作上,須仰賴政策的制定及帶領,主因在於電子商務產業合作必須仰賴兩岸政府在政策、法規上建立能夠互通的制度或平台,並讓雙方再進一步進行金流、物流與信賴機制的建立。 Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce) is an important form of the modern economy. In the Era of Globalization, enterprises possess great competitiveness in the global market, and have unprecedented opportunities to access global market through E-Commerce. It also has become one of essential functions for business operations during 21st century. It mentioned that “E-Commerce” is one of cross-strait economic cooperation projects need to strengthen in Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA). Accordingly, the paper analyzes the environment of cross-strait E-Commerce, and discusses how to get win-win cooperation between Taiwan and Mainland China in the post-ECFA era. Additionally, the paper proposes improvements and defects in cross-strait E-Commerce. Finally, the final section will be discussion of how to further reinforce cross-strait E-Commerce cooperation, and promote economic-trade cooperation development. The paper concludes cross-strait cooperation in E-Commerce industry has to rely on cooperation of both side governments in policy and leadership. The main reason is that cooperation of E-Commerce industry depends on well-established policies and regulations made by both side governments, and therefore E-commerce could further create more interests for both sides.