明中葉以來,歷史小說發行蔚為風潮,此一現象頗值得觀察。余象斗於萬曆年間刊行諸多演義小說,如《全漢志傳》、《三國志傳》、《三國志傳評林》、《水滸志傳評林》、《列國志傳評林》、《列國前編十二朝》……等,出版之餘又加以評點。本論文以其《三國志傳》、《三國志傳評林》為研究文本,探究余象斗在二書中所呈現之三國史觀。研究顯示其核心思想為「天命說」,包括順天命、天命有知、天人感應等。此一史觀詮評蘊含仁政理想、安頓自我生命及以歷史教化庶民之功能。 Yu Xiang-Dou published many historical fictions in the Ming Dynasty. He also wrote lots of annotations in these books. This thesis focus on his historical viewpoints in “Romance of the Three Kingdoms”(《三國志傳》)and “Remarks about Romance of the Three Kingdoms” (《三國志傳評林》).After studying the texts, we found that Yu Xiang-Dou strongly believed in the fixity of destiny. By writing annotations, he freed and settled down himself from the frustration of imperial examination; and he wanted to educate people and showed his political ideal.