王船山詩歌美學在本質上融合言志、緣情二派之不同立場,體系完整,立論深刻,值得深入研究。本文從較少人注意之「元聲」一詞,作為研究進路,考察船山之「元聲」義,原係指作家之真實生命人格,及能清暢表現於文學作品之中。故其在詩論中之運用,約有四端,一是指具備真誠生命之作家人格,二為具經典意義,足供後人楷式之文學作品,三是創作過程自然流暢,其聲情、神理俱臻佳境,能動人興觀群怨之作品;四是作家人格及作品與天化流行渾融為一體者。本文之研究步驟,其一,說明本文旨趣及研究面向;其二,掌握船山氣論哲學之特點,追溯「元聲」之詞義,闡明其歷史淵源及在理學發展過程中意義之轉換,藉以呈顯船山對「元聲」所賦予之深刻內涵。其三,探討「元聲」在船山著作中之運用,實具關鍵地位,並析述其在詩歌理論中之分際,及其內涵意義。其四,探究「元聲」思想在船山詩學體系中表述之情形,及在詩歌評選上之運用,進而略論其與作者性情及作品風格造詣之整體關連。 The Aesthetics of Wang Fu-Zhi's poem commentary compounded two factors: the will and the affection. In this article, the author pointed out that Wang Fu-Zhi's ideas about ”the Primary Sound Theory” of the poems revealed his philosophical wisdom and Aesthetic thinking in his poem commentary. There were four parts in the inquiry. First, illustrate the purpose and dimensions of this essay. Second, trace the historical interpretations of the meaning of the Primary Sound. Third, bring up the meaning of the Primary Sound in Wang Fu-Zhi's poem Aesthetics. Finally, show how Wang Fu-Zhi implemented his Primary Sound Theory in the poem commentary.