明代末期的南京,作為復社等黨社運動的舞臺,十分熱鬧。明王朝滅亡後,許多過去從外地前去遊玩的人士紛紛離開南京。順治十四年(1657)秋天,冒襄(1611-1693)隔了十幾年才在南京出現,招集將近一百個人舉辦了一場大宴會。參加此會的多是明朝遺民、為明朝殉死的烈士後代等人士。此年,錢謙益、龔鼎孳和顧媚等以前曾與南京結下因緣的人陸續重訪南京。這些文人的動向也許跟當時鄭成功的勢力北上並逐漸靠近南京的情勢有關係。錢謙益在此年作懷念南京秦淮的〈秦淮雜題〉詩二十五首。而後不久,餘懷寫了紀錄秦淮掌故的回憶文學名作《板橋雜記》。我在此篇論文中想要探討清初江南的政治動向和回憶文學產生的關係,並試圖描述清初江南的明代文化餘韻。 Although during the Ming dynasty, Mao Xiang often visited Nanjing, the stage for his activities, he did not visit for years after the Qing conquest. However, in 1657 Mao Xiang visited Nanjing again after years of absence and held a large party with his old friends. In this year, Qian Qianyi, Gong Dingzi and others visited Nanjing as well. Their gatherings in Nanjing may have been concerned with the movements of Zheng Chenggong, who almost reached Nanjing in opposition to the Qing government. In this year, literary works concerned with the memory of the Ming dynasty such as Qian Qianyi’s series of poems on Qinhuai, a pleasure quarter of Nanjing or Wang Shizhen’s poems of autumn willows were written.