鍾惺和黃汝一生卒年代接近,二人同樣由進士出身,都享有文名,而且,兩家文集的卷數,如分別比較明人及朝鮮文集表現的話,其比例也很接近,從這三點來說,鍾、黃二家文集,確有取以比較的條件。 Virtue people in ancient Korea all mastered in Chinese, and the quantities of their writings were no less than Ming and Qing Dynasty which are roughly at the same period of time. Focusing on this similarity, I hope I can find a method of comparing Chinese and Korean corpus through examining Hsing Chung’s “Yin-hsiu-hsuan chi” and Juyi Huang’s Hai-yueh chi. The birth and death time of Hsing Chung and Juyi Huang are identical, and they were both well-known in the literati class. Besides, the amounts of their works are similar to each other. Above these three reasons, there are certainly some conditions for both Chung and Huang’s corpus to be compared with.