本文結合Derrida的延異概念與Foucault的權力觀,並以Baudrillard所描繪的現代到後現代圖像為例來看資訊社會的解構實踐。本文認為資訊社會的訊息川流中呈現著由權力主體/客體(媒體或大眾)所執行,以指涉真實的符號差異來生產意義(權力)的結構差異化過程。此活躍的權力鬥爭和權力流動不是權力的解放,而是總體性權力管治的(再)生產。資訊社會的符號天空也展示著由空白主體(大眾)所操作,依感覺美學的符號延異來空洞化意義(真實/權力)的解構現象。此純粹差異的延異遊戲才是解放權力的解構實踐,且其並非無機的資訊機器所架構之冷冰冰的生化世界,而是空白主體依感覺來延展符號並綻放出感動與歡愉的活生生世界。 This article elaborates on the practice of deconstruction in information society with Derrida's discussion of differance, Foucault's notion of power, and Baudrillard's analysis of image as it evolves from the modern to the postmodern society. It argues that the message flow in information society presents the differentiated operation of meaning(and power) structure. This structure is (re)produced with the consistent claiming of reality carried out by social subject. Nevertheless, the active struggle and dynamics is not equivalent with the emancipation of the social subject from the subjection of power. In effect, it (re)produces the relationship of powerful government. This article argues that the information society is characteristic of the phenomenon of deconstruction, in which meaning (and power) is emptied out in order to declare reality is impossible. Therefore, deconstruction is a game of affirming emptiness. Its play with “the symbol” for the purpose of being meaninglessness constitutes its tactics to undo power in information society.