幼稚園教師離職對教學品質和續讀率有極大的影響。本研究探討工作特徵、工作滿足對離職傾向之關係,並以線性迴歸和複迴歸進行探討。研究結果發現:1.幼稚園教師之年齡與年資對離職傾向並無顯著之影響;2.幼稚園教師之工作特徵與工作滿意量表對離職傾向相互重疊;3.幼稚園教師之工作特徵、工作滿意負向且顯著預測離職傾向,尤以工作滿意是最顯著之影響。 Turnover of kindergarten teachers is detrimental to teaching quality and the continued enrollment of students. This study investigated job characteristics, job satisfaction, and the influence of these variables on turnover intentions in the kindergartens of Taiwan. Two stepwise multiple regressions were used to explore relationships among variables. Theresults can be summarized as follows: (1) teacher responses showed little variance when sorted by age and tenure; (2)the job characteristics and job satisfaction scales only overlapped on one factor; (3) job characteristics and job satisfaction negatively and significantly predicted turnover intention, but job satisfaction was the most significant predictor. Kindergarten administrators can use the findings and implications of this study to increase job satisfaction and decrease turnover.