黃永武先生研究與創作之能量無限,成就卓越,貢獻多方,對於學界及文苑皆有深遠之影響。難能可貴處,尤在學術著作獨到創發,自成一家;文學創作雋永深刻,餘味無窮。黃先生學術著作等身,於文字學、經學、詩學、修辭學、文學批評、敦煌學、文獻學,以及《周易》學、《詩經》學,皆有獨到之見解。今限於篇幅,只就三大端述說黃先生之學術成就:其一,博觀約取,推陳出新;其二,學科整合,另闢谿徑;其三,方法條例,金針度人。要之,多賦古典以新貌,示人以治學之津梁,堪稱創前未有,開後無窮。 Prof. Huang Yung-Wu makes outstanding works on his researching and writing achievements. It’s rare and commendable to accomplish both academic and literary works in such a distinctive and remarkable way. On the side of academic researching, he shows his versatile capabilities and makes distinguished viewpoints on philology, Confucian classics, poetics, rhetoric, literary criticism, and studies on Dunhuang, Zhouyi, Shijing. In this article, I’ll make an introduction to Prof. Huang’s academic achievements through three approaches. Firstly, he reads enormously but taking rarely to weed through the old to bring forth the new. Secondly, he integrates multiple disciplines and finds a new path to academic researching. Thirdly, he shares his uniquely investigative methods to help later generation access their academic journals more easily.