本文以均數比較、迴歸分析和路徑分析等方法,探討出身背景是否會透過文化資本對國語文成績造成影響。並運用「台東縣教育長期追蹤資料庫」,將族群分成「父母皆為漢人」、「父漢母原」、「父原母漢」以及「父母皆為原住民」四種,且將文化資本測量細分成16個變項。其研究結果顯示,父母皆為漢人的國語文成績最高,其次為父原母漢、第三則為父漢母原,成績最差的則是父母皆為原住民的子女。而在文化資本中,在學校有參加樂隊的學生,其國語文成績較高,但參加民俗技藝團的學生,其國語文成績較差;精緻文化資本越高的學生,國語文成績越高。至於不利文化風格的部分,越常從事不利嗜好和不利休閒的學生,其國語文成績越低。 This research employed regression and path analysis to discuss whether the backgrounds of students could affect performance in Chinese through cultural capital. Data were obtained from Taiwan Taitung Educational Panel Survey (TTEPS) and composed of four types of parent backgrounds: parents-both- Han, Han -Father and aboriginal-Mother, Han -Mather and aboriginal-Father and parents-both- aboriginal. Moreover, this data included 16 variables on cultural capital. According to the result, the students with parents-both- Han have highest grades in Chinese, and those with parents-both- aboriginal have the worst.About cultural capital, the students who join the band in school get higher grades in Chinese, and those who join the folk custom associations get lower grades in Chinese. The more fine cultural capital they have, the higher grades in Chinese they get. As to negative cultural capital, the more often they take adverse activities, the lower grades in Chinese they get.