課表時段安排是極為重要的事情,會影響教師教學及學生學習的效率。國民中學排課問題主要考量因素包含有課程、教師、場地資源,在這些限制下將教師授課課程時段排入學生上課課表中,使教師及學生依據此課表進行教師活動。早期排課方式是由電腦產生課表,再依據校內排課規定或特殊需求進行課程時段調動。排課問題可視為是一種複雜最佳化的問題,屬於NP-Complete。本研究的基因演算法(GA)是一種處理最佳化(Optimization problem)常用方法。利用基因演算法,針對排課需求來進行課表最佳化,期望能產生較佳的課表供教師及學生上課使用,提升學習效率。經過實驗結果證實,利用本研究所提出的基因演算法來進行課表最佳化時,確實可得到令人滿意之結果。 Course scheduling plays a crucial role in school planning and management, which directly impacts teaching and learning efficiency. The major facts that influence course scheduling in junior high school range from school curriculum, classroom capacity, teaching hours to limited facilities. All these variables have an effect on course scheduling, whose result will affect the instructors and the learners for a whole semester.Prior course scheduling is considered time-consuming in that it is generally conducted by computers, and is subsequently adjusted by administrative personnel according to school regulations or specific requirements. In the present study, the goal is to produce the most optimal solution to course scheduling with the employment of Genetic Algorithms, a common way in processing optimization problem. Course scheduling can be recognized as an issue of complex optimization relating to NP-Complete. With the use of Genetic Algorithms, we aim to optimize course scheduling to enhance teaching and learning efficiency. The results of the experiments in the present study show that the application of optimization on course scheduling using Genetic Algorithms can meet the above constraints and maximize the satisfaction levels.