自1980年代以來,世界各國政府在連串的改革歷程中,由「傳統公共行政」模式過渡至「新公共行政」再進步至「新公共管理」,而後乃至現今強調以服務為導向之「新公共服務」治理模式。由於行政治理思維變換,民眾角色由「顧客」轉化成「參與者」,故此,以「公私協力」為藍本所進行之「臺北古蹟公益信託基金-北投古蹟專案」案例,對於現代公部門與民眾互動,協力治理而言更顯彌足珍貴。本研究乃探索非營利組織、企業、政府三方協力,運用「10萬人的1元勝過1人的10萬元」公民參與運動方式,成立公益信託基金,用以迎回及重建「新北投車站」實例。本研究聚焦於公部門對於與私部門合作所採行之新公共服務觀點,以及在「公益信託」框架下,三方交互運行衍生之代理行為與責任等向度,據以建立研究架構與途徑。研究者經由參與觀察暨實務操作經驗,佐以相關之文獻論點,闡述公民如何積極參與治理,以公益信託為成就目的之橋樑,以及公益信託模式對於公共服務所產生之實益。本文同時以代理理論觀點,提出一個公私協力推動公益信託三方角色輪動與責任的架構。本文結論為藉由公益信託倡導公民參與公共事務策略,期能為臺灣推動公益信託相關研究,提供實務經驗建議與操作策略參考。 The concept of public-private partnership is used as a backbone in developing this case study that investigates non-profit organization, enterprise and government in a series of collaborations to preserve a historical site. Based on a grass-root approach, there has been a movement for the people to participate in the preservation of the New BeiTou Train Station. As the first of its kind, a public trust fund was set up for, and the subsequent implementation includes public sectors’ employment of new public service viewpoint, and innovative cooperative processes among the private and the non-profit sectors. Through action research, this study elaborates a successful citizens’ initiative: utilizing public trust as a bridge for achieving goal, participate collectively in public affair (historical site preservation), learning-by-doing in managing the operating process of the public trust. By adopting the agency theory, this study proposes a three-direction framework (the 3-way interactions and responsibilities from public-private partnership) that conceptualizes the mechanism of the public trust fund, and its dynamics over time. The study concludes by demonstrating the actual benefits public trust fund model creates for the public service, and suggesting public trust as an important vehicle for civil participation, and lastly advocating further trust related studies in Taiwan.