「公益信託」是指信託目的是將所產生的利益嘉惠大眾,而非有利於特定個人或團體,是為公益福祉的稱之。而「環境信託」則為公益信託的一種,只是以「環境保護」為主題,藉由將環境交付到「可信任的人」的手中,讓專業者可以有效的管裡環境,進而保護自然及相關人文資源以追求群體利益;至於「國民信託」則源自於英國的國民信託組織(The National Trust),是特別著重於公民參與之公益信託。台灣環境資訊協會在2000年創立之時,便以成立環境信託為目標,致力於各項推廣行動,並於2009年加入全球超過40個公益信託組織所組成的「國際國民信託聯盟(International National Trust Organisation; INTO)」,與國際相互交流成長。台灣目前大環境不利民間社團法人受託進行環境公益信託,但環境資訊協會仍透過1.工作坊與相關研討會;2.工作假期;3.與社區共同經營管理土地;4.建立專欄論述並出版文宣手冊;5.與國際及國內民間團體進行交流與議題合作等方式,突破現有框架限制。綜觀國際國民信託目前的發展趨勢為:1. 面對國際議題,共同要求各國政府提出對改善全球氣候變遷的行動;2. 以工作假期做為國際間交流的體驗行動。而對於台灣的環境信託如何突破現有的限制,則提出以下三點建議:1. 透過民間團體之間的合作聯盟,或是積極溝通行動等,以「建立公益信託,委託人對受託人的信任關係」;2. 可與觀光業者合作,結合觀光與保育,建立互惠機制以「進行資產的維護管理」;3. 以故事打動人心及不斷地溝通與大眾互動,加上公開透明的資訊「增加社會大眾的參與度」。 Environmental trust is one type of charitable trust, consign the environment to a trustable person or organization and let professionals manage the environment to protect the natural are cultural resources for public benefit. Taiwan Environmental Information Association (TEIA) has been working to promote and to set an environmental trust since founded in 2000. In 2009, to communicate with the international world, TEIA joined the International National Trust Organisation (INTO) which has about 40 members worldwide. The conditions in Taiwan are unfavorable for NGOs to hold and set an environmental charitable trust. TEIA tries to break the limits by: 1)holding workshops and conferences, 2)arranging working holidays, 3)land management with local communities, 4)writing and publishing articles, 5)cooperating with international and local groups. Following the global trends of “Face the global issues and ask the governments to deal with climate change”and “Held working holidays as a way for people to experience different parts of the world”, this paper concludes by suggesting three ways to break the barrier in implementing environmental trusts in Taiwan: strengthening stakeholders communication, collaborating with the tourism industry to combine conservation and tourism, and to manage the properties properly, and engaging the general public via more information dissemination.