國人國內旅遊不斷的成長,政府為因應國內旅遊需求的成長,近年陸續成立國家風景區、國家森林遊樂區與國家步道系統以提昇國內旅遊品質。然從觀光衝擊的角度思維,「觀光」對於地區發展是否為解決問題的萬靈丹,發展觀光到底會帶來哪些正負面的影響?值得進一步的探索。本研究主要探討阿里山國家風景區內之奮起湖地區居民對觀光衝擊的認知,採用居民家戶訪談與問卷調查方式,共收集了地區內142份有效問卷。結果顯示奮起湖地區居民對觀光衝擊的認知略偏向正面評價。在正面衝擊方面,居民對經濟衝擊認知最為深刻;在負向衝擊方面,居民則對環境衝擊認知的感受較深刻。而「職業」、「收入」、「教育程度」、「居住距離」、「社區參與」、「觀光參與」、「遊客接觸」、「觀光知識」、「觀光支持」與居民觀光衝擊的認知程度有顯著關係。 The domestic tourism continues to grow in recent years. With responding to the growth of domestic tourism, the government has established National Scenic Area, National Forest Recreation Area and National Trail System to improve the quality of domestic travel. However, thinking from the perspective of the tourism impact, whether the “tourism” is a panacea for a regional development? It has a value to explore the issue of positive and negative impacts of tourism development. The purpose of this study is to investigate residents’ perceptions of tourism impacts in Fenqihu area. In-depth interview and questionnaire survey were adopted to collect a total of 142 valid samples. The results showed that residents’ perceptions of tourism impacts towards positive response. Within a positive impact, economic impact had a profound effect on residents’ life. On the other head, environmental impacts had a profound effect in terms of a negative impact. The variables of “occupation”, “income”, “level of education”, “distance between residential areas to tourist areas”, “community participation”, “tourism involvement”, “tourist encounter”, “tourism knowledge” and “support of tourism” has a significant relationship with the residents’ perceptions of tourism impacts.