摘要: | 1920-30年代國民政府在廣州、南京、上海、廈門、無錫等許多城市進行了大規模的近代城市規劃與建設。本篇論文主要研討同時期漢口新市制的實施、市政管理組織的建立與運作、市府官員與技術人員的特質、都市計劃的目的、立案過程與內容、實施狀況及存在的問題。研究表明,1926年國民政府在漢口首次導入新市制,成立工務局,城市建設開始有了固定的財政支持,漢口也成為中國最早制定較為完備的建設法規,對建築活動進行管理的城市之一。1930年制定的《漢口市都市計劃概說》,主要目的是為民眾獲得衛生健康的生活,主要著眼在市區道路的改造、堤防、碼頭、下水道的興建,公營住宅、公園、公共廁所、火葬場等公共設施建設上。雖然公營住宅不成功,但城市建設基本按照計劃逐步實施,漢口成為當時衛生健康的模範城市。1936年修訂的《漢口市都市計劃書》認識到舊市區改造的局限性,提出開發新市區,同時規劃大片公園和綠地,將漢口建設成「林園都市」的城市構想。漢口的城市規劃由第一任市長劉文島開始制定與實施,第四任市長吳國禎強力推進。在技術層面上主要依靠吳國柄、董修甲、高凌美、余伯傑等在歐美、日本學習市政、土木、建築專業歸國的年輕留學生。 During the period of 1920-30, the national government initiated large-scale modern city planning and development in various cities such as Guangzhou, Nanjing, Shanghai, Xiamen, Wuxi. The study mainly looks into contemporary city hankow 's issues such as the implementation of new urban regulation, the establishment and execution of city management organization, the quality of city officials and technicians, and the purposes, content and implementation of city planning. Findings are as the followings. In 1926, the national government introduced new city regulation and engineer bureau to Hankow city. The city development had stable financial support in the first time, and Hankow became one of the first Chinese cities to have better planning regulation and building management. 1930's “The Preliminary City Plan of Hankow” aimed at healthy living for general public. It focused on infrastructures such as roads, quays, harbors, sewages, parks and public housing. Although the public housing was not successful, the city development was implemented according to the plan, and Hankow became healthy model city. In 1936, the revised “The City Planning Proposal of Hankow City” realized the limitation of the regeneration of old city center, thus starting to consider developing new city districts, parks and greenery, and Honkow city was planned according to the concept of “Garden city.” Hankow 's master plan was initiated and executed by the first mayor Liu Wen-tao, and was strongly boosted by the fourth mayor Wu Kuo-Chen. In the technological level, it was mainly depended on some returning young students such as wu Guo-bing, Dong Xiu-jia, Gao Ling-mei and Yu Bo-jie, who studied civil engineering, urban planning or architecture in Europe, America or Japan. |