競合策略已廣泛應用於企業界,是企業經營的最佳策略。都市規劃界鮮少利用競合策略檢視土地使用類別之執行成效,致造成資源「零合」的雙輸局面。本研究以彰化縣員林鎮緊鄰的二個公共設施(興賢書院、員林公園)為研究對象,採用問卷調查法、半結構式訪談法,探討不同設施使用者的服務範圍及認知態度之異同、擬定不同設施經營之競合方針。結果顯示:無論平日、假日,興賢書院的服務範圍均較大;在使用者行為上二個公共設施存在許多衝突,如:使用動機、從事活動、須改進處、較少利用另項公設之因等,受活動性質之差異引發雙方使用者抱怨。在設施部分,因雙方使用性質不同,亦有合作的可能可達互補之效。檢視兩者的經營管理模式,研擬公共設施的競合策略,提昇公共設施在經營管理及使用上的效能,作為未來整建或管理市鎮公共設施時之參酌。 This research uses questionnaire and semi-structured interview to understand how different facilities’ domain of services represent to different users, as well as the difference between their attitudes of cognition, in order to draw up plans for co-opetition. The result will indicate the different domain of service, as well as users’ attitude of cognition and behavior, between Yuanlin Park and Hsing-Hsien Academy. The operational patterns of the two facilities are examined. Co-opetition plans are drawn up to keep up the management of public facilities motivated and prospective, therefore used as practice reference for future city public facilities’ construction.