產業經濟發展對環境污染的問題漸受重視,綠色行銷因運而生,而產品生命週期較短的手機等3C產業,亦開始重視此一綠色行銷風潮,環保手機議題漸受重視,惟其於市場上的銷售狀況仍未如預期。因此,本研究針對手機汰換頻率較高的大學生進行調查,瞭解大學生對購買手機的偏好與重視因素,以及對環境與科技的認知態度,探討大學生在綠色行銷策略影響下,是否將改變其購買行為。本研究應用顯示性與敘述性偏好法設計問卷,期能瞭解受訪者過去選購手機的經驗與使用偏好,獲悉其對環保手機的看法與其購買偏好,確知影響受訪者購買行為之重要因素,以瞭解其購買行為。並以因素分析萃取重要影響變數,再藉由集群分析瞭解環保手機方案間之差異性,並分辨不同群體對選購環保產品考量因素之異同。研究發現,欲使更多大學生接受並且購買環保手機,不僅在功能與價格上需符合消費者所著重之經濟實惠的基本要求,針對行銷推廣方面,應清楚地讓消費者明白產品之環保特性為何,並具有明確環保標章認證提供消費者辨識,以達最佳效益。研究成果將瞭解消費者對綠色行銷產品之偏好與選擇行為,並提供手機業者推廣環保手機之綠色行銷策略參酌。 For environmental protection purpose, the green marketing had been widely paid attention in many industries. The electronic products with shorter life-cycle would also take green marketing into consideration recently. Consequently, the green mobile phone was made by decomposable or recyclable materials to lower the harm to environment. But, the sales of green mobile phone do not really attract consumers’ attentions and meet their demand in the market. For realizing consumers’ viewpoints and preferences of green mobile, this study will discuss the effects of green marketing on consumers’ purchase behaviors for green mobile. This study will conduct a survey of which the questionnaire is designed through revealed and stated preference approach. The survey target groups are constrained to college students who are the mobile phone users. From this survey, we can extract significant factors about consumers’ great concerns for mobile phone via factor analysis, and realize the difference between alternatives on mobile phone by cluster analysis. The results of this study can assist the company to promote the green marketing strategies for green mobile phone.