建制民族誌是一種強調從人們生活經驗出發的社會學,同時也是一種發現和探究的方法。它會將焦點放在人們生活中所發生的事情和行動,追溯這些活動的結果和工作過程,以挖掘背後隱含的權力和宰制人們的政權。近幾年來,臺灣高等教育越來越強調學術工作的效率、生產力和績效,因此大學機構紛紛生產各種指標和文本對大學教師進行量化與表現性的評量。然而,這些評鑑文本往往和學術工作者每日每夜所從事的心智、情緒、體力勞動過程,產生極大的斷裂。建制民族誌正適合用來探究教師的日常工作經驗如何受到文本中介的機構期待所形塑,以及現行大學教師評鑑制度的問題。本文奠基於一項建制民族誌的研究,此研究是以二十位大學新進助理教授日常生活中的工作和生活經驗作為探究的起點,訪談這些學術工作者的工作流程和經驗,並檢視受訪者所提到的機構文本,包括國家政策文件、大學法規、評鑑表格等。本文重點在於以這個大學教師評鑑制度的研究為例,介紹建制民族誌此一獨特的探究取徑,尤其是如何以訪談進行建制民族誌的探究,進而勾勒出統治關係的地圖。 Institutional ethnography, a method of discovery and inquiry, focuses on people’s happenings and activities and traces their sequences of activities and working processes in order to excavate regimes of power and governance. In recent years, higher education in Taiwan has increasingly emphasized academic work's efficiency, productivity, and performance; thus universities have produced various indicators and textual forms to quantitatively evaluate the performance of teachers. However, these evaluations have often greatly disrupted academic workers' mental, emotional, and physical labor processes. It is thus appropriate to apply institutional ethnography to investigate both how university teachers’ daily work experiences are shaped by the institutional expectations mediated by such texts and the problems in the faculty evaluation system. This research employs interviews with twenty junior faculty members to examine their work processes and experience. In this article institutinal ethnography will be introduced as a unique inquiry approach by taking this study as an example of how to use interviews in institutional ethnography and then map out the ruling relations.