本研究旨在瞭解嘉義市高職學生參與休閒運動之目的與休閒阻礙因素對休閒參與狀況之影響,而根據研究結果,提出對嘉義市地區高職學生參與休閒運動之建議與方向,並提供教育主管機關以及各級學校做為規劃參考資料。本研究採用問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,以「青少年參與休閒運動之目的與休閒阻礙因素之調查問卷」做為研究工具,並以嘉義市公私立高職生為研究對象,正式問卷施測採用立意抽樣法發放,採分層隨機抽樣的方式,合計取得有效樣本692份(有效回收率88.8%)。所得資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析來加以處理分析。調查結果顯示: 嘉義市公私立高職學生在休閒運動參與頻率中以「0-2 次」的次數比例最高,以「5次以上」的次數比例最低,參加休閒運動時段,以放學後或假日為最多,參與休閒運動時的同伴以「同學、朋友陪同」的比例最高。在不同背景變項構面中的性別、學校、參與次數與時間皆有顯著差異。不同年級在休閒態度各構面上,皆無明顯差異存在,從總平均數顯示休閒運動態度皆偏向正面。在休閒運動阻礙的分析結果顯示:休閒阻礙因素的構面上,以個人內在阻礙與環境結構性阻礙為最高;而在不同背景變項上,則以參與次數、時間的影響較高。而在不同參與次數在休閒運動阻礙的各構面上,皆有明顯差異,表示學生在休閒運動的參與上,參加的次數越少阻礙越大。 The purpose of the study is to understand both the purpose of leisure sport participation of vocational schools in Chiayi City and the effects on leisure sport participation caused by leisure constraints. Based on the results, implications and directions are provided as reference for educational administrations and all schools on planning the leisure sport participation for vocational high school students. A questionnaire investigation is adopted and the research tool is based on The Questionnaire of Teenagers’ Leisure Sport Purpose and Factors of Leisure Constraints. The subjects are public and private vocational students in Chiayi City. The questionnaire is distributed with purposive sampling and randomly samples with levels. The valid questionnaires are 692 samples with the 88.8 % return rate. The data is analyzed with descriptive statistics, T-test and one-way ANOVA. The results show that in terms of leisure sport participation frequency, the 0-2 time category is the highest and more than 5 times category is the lowest. As for the time period for leisure participation, after-school and weekend period is the highest. “Classmates and friend”is ranked the highest in terms of leisure sport company. There is no significant difference in terms of gender, school, participation times, and time period in different background factors. The average mean shows that the leisure sport attitude is positive. In terms of the analysis of leisure sport constraints, it shows that individual inner constrain and environment structure constraint are ranked the highest on leisure constraint factors and the frequency of participation and time have the most effect in terms of different background factors. There is a significant difference in terms of different participation frequency on leisure sport constraint, which implies that the less participation students have on leisure sports, the more constraints they have.