本論文以機械為基礎、機動藝術為主軸、互動為靈魂,結合電子、電機與藝術領域,進行跨領域視覺藝術整合來進行創作,以「動靜之間」為題撰寫創作論述。「作者埋首做,觀者壁上觀」,是一個普遍的常態,而長久以來藝術作品的展演方式,也大多以靜態的方式呈現,是否因而造就創作理念遠在虛無縹緲之處?可能是因素之一;而所謂的藝術作品,通常作為生活空間中裝飾之用,眼觀、耳聽即可,動手是禁忌;筆者意圖跨越這兩大藩籬,因此,在本研究創作之中,使用文獻回顧法,藉此知曉在筆者研究之前學者們的努力與心路歷程,以此作為筆者再前進的基地;使用行動研究法,克服在創作過程中,所遭遇到的種種困難與瓶頸;筆者在本研究中,達到:一、藉由創作理念的發揮,使藝術與機械之間建立可互動關係。二、藉由立體造形的型式結合互動的方式,為多數靜態展現的方式,注入新元素,讓藝術更貼近大眾現實生活。三、確立未來創作之方向。「互動」是本創作研究最主要的精華所在,筆者以新奇、好玩帶有遊戲的手法,由觀者與作品互動,藉此賦于作品新的生命與溫度。 筆者依此理念,發展出五大系列作品,分別為一、「線控」系列,二、「觸控」系列,三、「聲控」系列,四、「無線遙控」系列,五、「光控」系列。 My paper is depended on to reveal a relationship of mechanism with arts and their interaction by which I integrate electronic and mechanism in arts; therefore it is a research on the interdisciplinary for visual arts. In general the creator is seen only as its author, the audiences can only play a role for watching. Such understanding causes a static way to arts, that means that the audiences would be far away from the ideas of the authors. Artworks are only decoration and allowed to be touched only by eyes and ears, but not by hands. According to my research artworks are able to be really explored by a new way of the idea of interaction in which we can see artworks as a curious game. In order to combine the distance between artworks and watchers my ways for creation are followings: to research the literatures for the understanding of seniors. Another way is based on the method of action which makes my creation to become easier. The purposes of my paper are: 1. To build the interrelations between arts and mechanism by the ideas of creation. 2. In order to make arts closer to public the three dimensional shape is showed by way of interaction through which a static exhibition of art can be interpreted by a new way. 3. To build a creative direction for future. Five series are produced according to such creative ideas: 1. Controlled by wire; 2. by touch; 3. by sound; 4. by wireless remote; and 5. by light