外交政策是一國內政的延長,更是立足於國際中不可或缺的部分。不論是正在積極展露頭角之國家,或是力量強大之泱泱大國,都持續在外交政策當中,注入大量之心血,期盼加以著墨之後,為國家爭取更多益處,在國際當中,具有良好定位,甚至更進一步,塑造良好之國際形象。 德國,在歐洲世界所具有的地位及力量,更是不容小覷,如此的泱泱大國,在現今的21世紀多變的局勢,必然有其特殊的外交策略,尤其是德國總理梅克爾溫和且彈性的外交,更是給國際社會一番新形象。歐洲的經濟危機一直是影響全球經濟的主要因素之一,但是梅克爾在這段期間當中成為疏困及解決歐洲經濟危機的主要角色。並且,自梅克爾政府執政之後,利用擅長的外交手腕提升德國在歐洲的外交地位,尤其是積極與法國保持頻繁且緊密的互動關係,同時也把外交目標放至具有龐大的經濟勢力-中國,為德國的外交建立了嶄新的方向與策略。 本文將從梅克爾對於法國與中國之外交策分別探討,首先分析梅克爾對於在國際中佔有一席之地之法國所實施的雙邊關係。接著再分探討梅克爾面對經濟崛起之中國所展現的外交策略。最後,比較德國面臨中國與法國不同類型之國家所呈現的外交作法,以達到了解梅克爾外交政策脈絡之目的,並期盼藉由梅克爾的外交策略成為國家未來的參考模式與方針。 From ancient to now, diplomacy is one of the important sections for each country. Undoubtedly, it is also an essential section to each Government.To most of countries, the leaders keep concentrating on the diplomacy in order to lead their own countries to the position which are thrive and powerful , and they hope that by working hard on it, they can receive a lot of merits. Moreover, they could have a great position and bring good images to the world. Germany is a country which has ancient history and great position, its power is better than many countries. According to this great country, how to face China and France, Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, must have her own methods. In order to understand Merkel’s foreign policy, the study will analyze her diplomacy according to China and France.