本研究主要以康門紐斯的《大教學法》一書中所形塑的教師圖像,反思當前教育改革後教師的困境,希望能激起一些火花,讓所有現職的、或有興趣去從事教職的人有一個能夠參考努力的方向與目標。康門紐斯在《大教學法》中所形塑的教師圖像分成教師的教育理念和教師的專業精神兩大部分來分述:在教師的教育理念方面,他提到人是需要受教育的,教師需了解,每個人都是可以教導的,方法應循序漸進。學習應以道德為首,且教育的目的應該長遠發展。在教師的專業精神方面,教師需具備基本的科學文化知識,及運用合適的學習方法,熱愛教育、關愛學生,並以自身為榜樣。 綜上所述,當教學工作者「有感」於某種教育政策或教學方法對孩子是有利的、有很大的幫助的時候,教師才能掌握大方向目標,用心去設計符合學生的學習課程,雖然無法改變教育改革的作法,但這些該填補的缺失,身為最基層的教師卻可以讓它更圓滿。 The image of teacher has been well established in Great Didactic by John Amos Comenius in the 17th century. Here this study presents an introspection of the predicament for current teachers in response to the educational reforms. It is hoped that through the effort of the work, the flame of hope will be inspired and further provide goals and aims for those who are currently employed or just the prospects. In Great Didactic, the image of teacher has been described as two major categories including educational ideas and professional practice. In the first section, Comenius considered education as a kind of naturalism in which the effective teaching should be natural gradual growth from simple to more comprehensive concepts. Education must be allowed and equally applied to all human beings. Lifelong learning was supported and developed based on morality. Furthermore, Comenius supposed knowledge of science and culture is necessary for professional practice. Passion in teaching, concerns for students, the usage of favourable learning methods and setting themselves as the role model are all required for being a teacher. Taken together, when a teacher recognises an education policy or a teaching practice indeed benefits and results in great helps for their own students, it is then possible to design the proper learning programme following the general guidelines. Although it is difficult to reverse the consequence of educational reforms, teachers who work at the first-line still can try their best to fill the cavity up and make the results successful.