本研究採用深度訪談的方式,以嘉義縣國小就任未滿三年的主任為研究對象,探討國小初任主任在由教師轉任主任時的適應歷程,進而瞭解國小初任主任的權力運作策略,以及國小初任主任的衝突處理方式,並根據研究結果歸納出以下的研究結論:一、初任主任在初任期間除了對於工作、人事的分際拿捏更是忙亂與困惑,有時甚至會因現實震撼過大而出現失控的焦慮。二、初任主任在面對工作上的困境,會主動尋求校內支持、同期主任、前任學校以及專業人士等社會資本以化解初任的窘境。三、初任主任隨著主任年資增加,對學校行政業務以及對學校相關人員的人格特質的掌控程度也會更加熟悉,所以對於學校同仁的政治權力運作使用的策略會從一開始的保護型策略,繼之是折衷型策略,最後在嫻熟主任的工作以及熟悉學校人事後就會使用影響型策略。四、對於聘用自己成為主任的校長,初任主任或是為了回報校長的提攜之恩,或是因為臣服於校長的權威,所以在對校長的政治權力運用策略上大多採取保護型策略為主。五、初任主任們在面對不同利益團體之間或同一利益團體內的衝突時,都期許自己可以肩負起溝通的橋樑。六、初任主任在面對學校相關利害關係人之間的衝突時會找出衝突的潛在因子並尋求適當的方法化解學校衝突事件。 根據上述研究結論,分別對初任主任、教育主管機關、以及未來後續研究提出相關建議。 The in-depth interview method was adopted in the research, and interviewees are directors who have assumed the offices less than three years in Chiayi county elementary schools. My concern is to discuss the adaptation from general teachers to directors, and to understand the tactics of power exercise and conflict management as a novice . Based on the research, conclusions result as below:1.Novice directors often feel confused on determining the priority between jobs and my colleagues, and even anxious for the shocking reality at novitiate.2.Novice directors look for social capitals such as supports of the staffs, director fellows , ex-colleagues and the professionals to solve the predicaments at work.3.Novice directors get used to school administration and the personalities of the staffs with years. The tactics to exercise power of their colleagues will starts with protection strategy, then compromise strategy, and finally influence strategy after getting familiar with the school ‘s social capitals.4.Since the principles assign the position, novice directors will take the protection strategy on their political power for repaying the favor of them and submit to their authorities eventually. 5.Novice directors consider themselves as a bridge between groups of different interests and within a group.6.Novice directors will find out the potential factors of conflicts among the related persons and try to find methods to solve those conflicts. Based on these conclusions, here provides some suggestions for other novice directors, education authorities and future research.