本研究透過「網路」蒐集旅遊部落格文章、官方網站及電子報章雜誌等文本,利用語義網絡分析法、內容分析法來分析遊客對板頭社區的旅遊意象及體驗價值,透過Nvivo質性軟體來編碼、建立關鍵字與統計出現次數,進一步以量化方法來探究關鍵字間之相關性、利用因素分析來萃取因素,並以此來探究遊客社經背景(性別、文章出處、居住地、學歷、職業及星座)所反映出的意象是否有所不同。 研究結果顯示:遊客對板頭社區的公共藝術充滿創意、板陶窯園區適合親子共遊、板頭阿兄充滿復古味、生活化可愛的彩陶人物有不錯的評價;但在攤販的管理、交通的便利性仍有待提昇。男性著重在設施及景點之描述,且認為新港是富創意、趣味、成功,值得推薦的;女性則著重在體驗之陳述,如可愛的、熱,對小吃的描述也較多。而遊客會在部落格中陳述自己的旅遊經驗與體驗價值,成為他人旅遊的重要參考依據,因此可透過部落格的內容,分析審視旅遊目的地發展觀光上的優劣勢,成為政府單位或是經營者善加利用的目的地行銷檢視與管理的利器。北部之遊客對描述目的地的文章多著墨在景觀設施之表現;而中部之遊客對描述目的地的文章多著墨在鐵道商圈、社區藝術的表現上。火象及水象星座的人不僅熱愛美食,也樂於分享品嚐後的感想。 本文主要貢獻在於質性研究深入探索遊客的旅遊意象與體驗價值,並佐以量化分析,探討這些意象的關聯性,有別於傳統質性探索後所發展設定的主觀關連。 This study included various Internet media such as blogs, official websites, and magazines, and adopted semantic network analysis and content analysis to analyze tourists' tourism image and experiential value towards Bantao community. NVivo was applied to form a list of key words and their frequency, we then utilized SPSS Statistics to determine the correlation between keywords. Furthermore, factor analysis was employed to pick out potential factors, and so as to use the factors to investigate the variances of tourism image among social economical background of various tourists. The research revealed that Bantao community's public art is regarded as creative, kiln museum is considered as enjoyable for both parents and children. Painted terracotta statues are also regarded as adorable. However, stalls/booths were not placed in an organized manner, and traffic was not ideal. Overall, male tourists focused on describing facts about facilities and sites.They believed that Singang successfully blends many creative and intriguing elements, and is worth a visit. Female tourists focused on describing overall experience such as a particular art piece left a memorable impression. They would also tend to elaborate on delicacies. As tourists narrated their experiences and experiential value, this offered potential visitors a valuable source of information. Thus, the strength and weakness in local tourist attraction can be analyzed through the information collected from the blogs, and this could potentially be a powerful tool for local government or small business owners as they devise their marketing strategies. Northen tourists tended to focus more on the facilities, whereas central tourists elaborated more on railway area and public art. Tourists with fire and water signs prefer enjoying delicacies and were willing to share their dining experience. This study contributes to adopting qualitative analysis to discover tourists' tourism image and experiential value, as well as utilize quantitative analysis to determine the correlation between factors among tourism image.