隨著近來全球化的影響,國與國之間發生經濟與文化上的連結和衝擊,加上交通的便利性等因素,更加速國際移民的大量出現,進而影響到各個國家與區域的發展及穩定,也讓彼此關係變得更為密切而微妙。本文討論葡萄牙在歷史上曾經建立過龐大的殖民帝國,1974年結束獨裁專政後,1980年代中期逐漸由傳統移民輸出國轉變為移民接收國,並吸引來自前殖民地的人口回流,主要為非洲移民與晚近的巴西與東歐移民,重新融入葡萄牙社會,成為現今主要移入葡萄牙的移民群體,這個轉變也影響了政治、經濟、社會等不同層面。移民對目的地的選擇,也可能受到歷史淵源,特別是殖民地與殖民母國之間關聯的影響。而在法律層面,葡萄牙於1981年制定首部移民法,並在1986年加入歐洲共同體後,這項偉大的成就(歐盟)使得葡萄牙必須更重視遵守歐盟規範的共同移民政策框架,以達到合作管理移民問題的目標。 With the impact of globalization nowadays, the relationship between countries whether in economic and social perspectives are getting closed. The convenience of transportation and easy communication factors speeded up the international immigration. Hence a large number of people move to the different countries to survive within any kind of reasons. It leaded the enormous influences and highly different development in every region. After 1974 the Portugal dictatorship, the political environment had been changed into de-colonization. Therefore during 1980, Portugal has altered its position in the international migration context. It is no longer exclusively an emigration country but also become a receiving country of new immigration. And those people were from its former African colonies, and more people recently from Brazil and Eastern Europe which are representative the majority of new ethnic group reintegrated into Portugal society. Yet we are going to discuss the affects in political, economic and social perspectives. And also law perspectives since Portugal established the first immigration law in 1981, and in 1986 become a member of the EEC. The remarkable achievement (EU) immediately lead that Portugal has to follow EU common immigration policy framework.