摘要: | 本文以彭竹予(1926-2011)的散文作品為研究對象,藉由文本的分析比對,以了解其生活經歷與人生體驗對其創作的影響,並探討其散文主題的思想意蘊,進而發掘其散文知性和感性的一面。其次,本論文也探討其散文的藝術表現,彭竹予的人格特質顯著影響其寫作風格,也是本文研究的重點。在他擔任《雲林青年》主編的時候,透過指導寫作和鼓勵中學生投稿,栽培了無數的文藝青年。他的散文每每傳達正向的思考,充滿積極進取的人生觀,十分具有教育意義和社會意義,其爲台灣文壇的定位和貢獻不可輕忽。 本論文共分六章十七節,以呈現彭竹予散文的不同風貌。 第一章為緒論,內分三節。包含研究動機與目的、前人研究與探討,並說明研究範圍與研究方法。 第二章深究彭竹予的生平,內分三節。探討其從小成長的辛酸過程,如何影響著他的一生,如何成為他日後寫作的養分以及對人生和工作的深切體悟。 第三章主要探討彭竹予的散文主題,內分四節。本章所探討的四個主題,也正是彭竹予人生的四個階段,依序為「悲歡離合」、「枕戈待旦」、「春風化雨」、「關懷社會」等四大主題。彭竹予的散文主題與其成長的歷程密不可分,其散文主題是其人生的主題,也是大時代的主題,更是珍貴的歷史資料,值得研究和珍存。 第四章為彭竹予散文的知性書寫和感性書寫,內分知性和感性二節。彭竹予剛毅不阿、取義愛國、報導社會義舉的正義感充斥在其「知性」的散文中,而思念親朋好友、關懷社會、鼓勵青年不遺餘力的付出「愛」也是其「感性」的一面。文中分別探討七個子題,知性方面有「讀書正確觀」、「生命誠可貴」、「國家民族愛」、「報導文學」,感性方面為「人情小品」、「物趣小品」、「給義母的信」。針對這七個子題進行文本分析研究,並舉文本實例說明,盡力勾勒出彭竹予散文的思想內蘊。 第五章為彭竹予散文的藝術表現,內分五節。其為文「樸實真誠」、「幽默樂觀」正如其人,文章飽含樂觀的生命力及傳達正向的思考有「文以載道」的社會教育功能。其「修辭出新」、「揉合小說技巧」的藝術表現,顯示其為文用心,進而探究其散文所展現的特色和藝術風格。 最後是結論,總結彭竹予散文所呈現的個人特色與藝術風格,並將各章的研究成果做綜合性的整理和評述,以顯現彭竹予散文在文學上的價值和意義,以及對台灣文學的定位和影響。 This paper discusses the prose collection of Peng Chu-yu (1926-2011) to understand the influence of his life and living experiences on his work by means of textual analysis and comparisons, and to probe into the intellectual and sentimental aspects of his prose by exploring the thought connotations of his textual themes. Secondly, this paper also attempts to explore the artistic representations of Peng’s prose, and the significant influence of Peng Chu’s personal characteristics on his writing style. While he as editor-in-chief at Yunlin Youth, he nurtured many young artists by encouraging and guiding middle school students in creative writing. His prose emits positive thinking and optimistic views of life, highly beneficial in educational meaning and social meaning, making him one of the cornerstones in shaping and enriching the Taiwanese literary circle. This paper is organized into six chapters and 17 sections, each one presenting a different aspect of Peng Chu-yu’s prose work. Chapter 1 is the introduction, and consists of three sections, namely research motive and purpose, literary reviews and discussions, and an explanatory section on research scope and methods. Chapter 2 contains an in-depth portrayal of the life of Peng Chu-yu, and is divided into three sections. Topics discussed include the hardships of his childhood years and how they have affected his entire life, become the substance of his writings, and the backdrop for his revelations in life and in work. Chapter 3 explores Peng Chu-yu’s prose topics, and includes four sections. The four topic discussed in this chapter consist of the four stages in Peng Chu-yu’s own lifetime, and are respectively, “grief, joy, separation, and union,” “waiting in suspense and wariness,” “spring breeze and rain,” “caring for society.” The subject content of Peng Chu-yu’s prose is intricately tied to his personal growth and history, the topics of his prose and the contents of his life, the greater era, and invaluable historical material, all worth probing into, preserving and treasuring. Chapter 4 is dedicated to the intellectual and sentimental writings in Peng Chu-yu’s prose, and is divided into two sections, intellectual, and sentimental. Peng Chu-yu is an upright, patriotic man whose sense of social justice and reports of just measure and acts pervaded his “intellectual” works. On the other hand, he also possessed a “sentimental” side in which his expressed “love” in his longings for family and friends, cares for society and encouragements for the youth of his day. In the seven subtopics in this paper, on the intellectual side there are “the correct study mindset,” “the value of life,” “love for your country and people,” and “journalistic literature,” and on the sentimental side, “stories of human kindness,” “stories on amusing things,” and “letters to my stepmother.” Textual analysis was conducted on these seven subtopics, and textual examples were quoted to delineate the thought connotations and references of Peng Chu-yu’s prose. Chapter 5 regards the artistic representations of Peng Chu-yu’s prose, and is divided into 5 sections. His work is “simple and unadorned,” “humorous and optimistic,” just like his person, and the vitality and positive effect stemming from his optimistic writings and thought are in themselves ample material for social education. His artistic representations of “newly forged words and phrases” as well as his use of “techniques of the novel,” demonstrate his dedicated intent, and it is from this vantage point that the unique traits and artistic style are discussed. The conclusion presents the personal characteristics and artistic styles of Peng Chu-yu’s prose are presented in conjunction with the research results from each chapter to yield a comprehensive summary and evaluation. The aim is to substantiate the value and meaning of Peng Chu-yu’s prose in terms of literary contribution, as well as his standpoint and influence in Taiwanese literature. |