摘要: | 本研究旨在瞭解嘉義市幼兒園課後托育之實施現況,並分析不同背景變項幼兒園家長對選擇嘉義市幼兒園課後托育之考慮因素。依據研究之發現,做成結論並提出建議,以提供研究者規劃才藝課程及有關單位擬訂提升幼兒園課後托育相關做法之參考。 本研究以嘉義市幼兒就讀公、私立幼兒園課後托育之家長為對象,採問卷進行調查,以自編之「幼兒園家長選擇課後托育班之現況問卷」為研究工具,發放600份的正式問卷,共計回收513份有效問卷。本研究結果如下:一、不同身份的家長在「聲望因素」、「師資因素」、「費用因素」、「環境及設備因素」方面,有顯著差異存在。二、不同身份的家長在「課程因素」、「生活便利因素」方面,未達顯著水準。三、不同年齡的家長在「聲望因素」、「師資因素」、「環境及設備因素」、「生活便利因素」方面,有顯著差異存在。四、不同年齡的家長在「課程因素」、「費用因素」方面,未達顯著水準。五、不同教育程度的家長在「聲望因素」、「環境及設備因素」方面,有顯著差異存在。在「師資因素」、「課程因素」、「費用因素」、「生活便利因素」方面,未達顯著水準。六、不同職業的家長在「生活便利因素」方面,有顯著差異存在。七、不同職業的家長在「聲望因素」、「師資因素」、「課程因素」、「費用因素」、「環境及設備因素」方面,未達顯著水準。八、不同月總收入的家長在「聲望因素」、「費用因素」方面,有顯著差異存在。在「師資因素」、「課程因素」、「環境及設備因素、「生活便利因素」」方面,未達顯著水準。九、幼兒分別就讀公立和私立課後托育班的家長在「聲望因素」、「師資因素」、「課程因素」、「費用因素」、「環境及設備因素」方面,有顯著差異存在。在「生活便利因素」方面,未達顯著水準。十、幼兒分別就讀東、西區的家長在「聲望因素」、「師資因素」、「課程因素」、「費用因素」、「環境及設備因素」、「生活便利因素」方面,均未達顯著水準。 The purpose of this study was to understand and analyze parents’ choice factors on kindergarten after-school care in Chiayi City. Six hundred formal questionnaires were mailed to parents of young children who were attending the kindergarten after-school programs. A total of 513 valid samples were obtained. The collected data were analyzed via t-test and one-way ANOVA. The results of this study were as follows:1.For parents of different identity. there was significant difference in the "prestige factors", "teacher factors" "cost factors”, and “environmental and equipment factors”, but no significant difference in the” curriculum factors” and " life convenience factors ". 2.For parents of different age, there was significant difference in the "prestige factors", "teacher factors" "life convenience factors” and “environmental and equipment factors”, but no significant difference in the” curriculum factors” and " cost factors".3.For parents of different education level, there was significant difference in the "prestige factors" and “environmental and equipment factors” but no significant difference in .“teacher factors”,” curriculum factors, "" cost factors” and "life convenience factor".4.For parents of different occupation, there was significant difference in the “life convenience factors", but no significant difference in .the "prestige factors", "teacher factors" "cost factors”, ”curriculum factors” and “environmental and equipment factors”.5.For parents of different monthly income, there was significant difference in the "prestige factors", and "cost factors", but no significant difference in the “teacher factors”, “curriculum factors " ” environmental and equipment factors”, and “life convenience factors ". 6.For parents of children attending after-school programs of public kindergartens and those of private kindergartens, there was significant difference in the "prestige factors", "teacher factors", "curriculum factors" "cost factors " and ," environmental and equipment factors”, but no significant difference in “life convenience factors ". 7.For parents of children attending after-school programs of kindergartens in the East area and those in the West area, there was no significant difference in the "prestige factors", "teacher factors" ‘curriculum factors”, “cost factors "," environmental and equipment factors” and the “ life convenience factor ". |