非營利組織研究在地理範疇上,鮮少觸及金門地區,為了解金門非營利組織的發展現況,本研究針對金門縣政府所轄,完成會員會籍清查及核發證書而立案之347個社會團體及基金會進行問卷普查。在99份有效回收問卷的基礎上進行統計分析,研究發現金門地區社會團體的現況特質分別是:(1)組織特質為歷史短、規模小;董(理)監事治理結構多由12人組成,教育程度以高中(職)居多,年齡層介於51歲至60歲之間,任期四年,每年召開2次定期會議。(2)會務活動以「社會/社區服務」為主,服務對象屬中下階層且不限於會員,社團組織以「宗親會」居多,「人力不足」為組織內部主要發展困境。(3)組織自主性強,決策與人事獨立,但與其他機構、團體互動性低。(4)對於參與公共議題與倡議或抗爭的態度較為溫和,未來幾年以加強團體成員的向心力為重點工作。(5)兩岸非營利組織交流合作不多,惟兩岸宗教服務組織交流頻繁,次數有增加趨勢。此外,本研究針對金門地區社會團體之發展,就相關政策配套及未來興革方向提出建議,俾利爾後金門公民社會之發展。 The development of NPO research was not well-known in remote island, Kinmen. For enhancing our understanding of NPO’s status quo in Kinmen, this research conducted an overall survey on the 347 registered civil social organizations and foundations in Kinmen. With 99 valid return samples, the major findings can be highlighted as below: (1) The history of Kinmen’s social organizations is short, and the majority of which belong to small-sized organizations. The governance structure of the social organizations consists of 12 board directors, with the year of age ranging from 51 to 60, and having completed senior high school diploma. Their service year is 4 years. The board meeting is held twice a year. (2) The social organizations focused on “social and community” activities, and serve lower middle class. Such social organizations typically consist of individuals identified as being kin to one another by virtue of being perceived as descended from common ancestors. (3) The civil social organization is voluntary. They make decision and recruit applicants independently, and seldom interact with other organizations or groups. (4) They hold mild attitude toward the pros and cons of the public issues. In the coming year, they focus on the promoting the coherence of the organizations for common aims and beliefs. (5) There are not many activities between Taiwan’s and China’s non-profit organizations, except the religious organizations. The research is limited to Kinmen’s social organizations and foundations. With the development of social organization, the discussion of relevant policies and suggestions for social organizations in Taiwan as the research foundation, we hope the research results could be the strategic reference for the future development of public society in Kinmen.