摘要: | 霹靂布袋戲中的「女劫」、「女禍」與「女難」只要霹靂布袋戲的男性角色們處理得當,例如男角表現出「英雄救美」或「見義勇為」等作為,英雄形象則大為加分,男角進而成為大部分觀眾的擁護者;反之,如果因「女劫」、「女禍」與「女難」而讓男角們不幸受傷或死亡,觀眾亦只會因「紅顏禍水」怪罪於女角們害英雄受難,如此,對於造就許多「英雄事蹟」而所犧牲的眾女角甚為不公。無人反思,「女性造英雄」的偉大意義! 本文利用文本分析紅樓劍閣的獨特性,進一步解析其中女性角色,將全文共分為五個章節:第一章為緒論,包含研究動機、研究目的、研究方法等;第二章概述霹靂布袋戲的緣由,並且將霹靂布袋戲的女性形象做文獻分析,內容為霹靂女角的類型、功能論或依時期分類為薄命紅顏及巾幗不讓鬚眉的女強人作一概貌的介紹;第三章介紹紅樓劍閣的女性世界,將劍閣組織、人物做一介紹,並且最重要的是將劍閣異於其他組織的特殊性:劍閣只有女性、挑選劍種結婚、擁有砍斷神州支柱的神劍歲月輪等;第四章論述紅樓劍閣傳遞的價值觀念,利用女性主義觀點作闡述分析劍閣所傳達的各種女權至上價值觀,從「身體」→「家」→「自我意識」探討劇情文本中女角所帶給觀眾的價值思考;第五章回顧以上章節的探討結果、研究中所獲得的心得,以及預期未來可行的研究空間。 About "female calamity ", "female scourge" and "female disaster " in Pili Puppet drama, as long as they were handled properly by the male roles in Pili Puppet drama, for example, the male roles acted heroically to rescue the female roles, the male image got great applause. On the contrary, if the male roles got hurt or dead due to "female calamity ", "female scourge" and "female disaster ", the audience blamed the female roles. Thus, it was unfair to the female roles who sacrificed themselves for many heroes’ deeds. No one pondered on the great meaning that “the females created heroes”! In this thesis, the uniqueness of Sword's Pavilion was analyzed through the text; meanwhile, the female roles were further analyzed. This thesis was divided into five chapters: Chapter I: Introduction, including motivation, research purpose, and research methods; Chapter II: The history of Pili Puppet Drama was outlined; the female images in Pili Puppet Drama were documentary analyzed, including the types of female roles, function and an overview to introduc the beauties died early or heroines classified by periods. The third chapter described the female world at sword's pavilion. It introduced not only the organization and the characters at Sword's Pavilion but also indicated the uniqueness of Sword's Pavilion---the members in the organization were females only; they married only the sword experts; and they owned the holy sword time wheels(神劍歲月輪) which could cut off the pillars of the holy land. The fourth Chapter discussed the values that sword's pavilion expressed. By the points of feminist, it analyzed the values of female power that expressed from Sword's Pavilion. Through the topics "Body", "Home" and "Self awareness" from the scripts, the reflection brought to the audience from the female roles were discuessed. In the fifth chapter, it reviewed the results of the discussion above, showed opinins gained from the research, and indicated the futher research that could be expected in the future. |