「閒置空間再利用」、「古蹟活化」是近幾年政府大力推動的政策,而在民間如「老屋欣力」這類自發的運動,方興未艾,蔚為風潮。民間的老舊房子的操作手法及理念和公部門並不相同。本文旨在探討民間老舊房子的經營模式,並嘗試說明其與地方之關係。 本文透過深度訪談及文件分析的方式,列出三種不同的民間老舊房子的典型,分別為:融入常民生活、對一種生活方式的選擇與支持、城市的公益店。 經由調查研究,這些民間老舊房子有以下特點 :一、地方觀點的保存:強調人與生活環境的整體性,來自個體情感投射的集體記憶,形塑了地方,並建構了認同的文化基礎。「保存」就是一種生活脈絡與場所形式的保存。二、在地營運原則:將當地社群的特色與優勢,擷取成為自己營運上的特色與優勢。也讓自己的價值觀與新理念,引導當地社群的價值觀與發展新方向。三、下而上的保存:保存是對於地方價值的認同與理解,為所信奉的「價值」努力。一旦在「地方」上建立起了深切的共識,人們自會燃起熱情、追求理想。四、 突破框架:在主流論述的框架下,「保存」失去了主體性論述,「商業利益」凌架了作為一種生活方式的可能,也失去了產出其他「價值」的機會,這些「價值」的再生產,反而是能在「地方」永續的重要支持力量。 While the government has been promoting a multitude of important policies such as idle space re-usage and historical spots revitalization in recent years, the civil also spontaneously energizes the ancient buildings with a good grace. It is fairly different between public and civil sectors not only in terms of operating models but also in ideas. This study mainly focuses on the civil operating model of ancient buildings in which we try to give a grim picture on such model in relation to the localization. By means of depth interviews and document analysis, there are three distinguished types of operating models listed in our study as folk life integration, lifestyle choice and support, and public interest shop in cities. Our findings are fourfold. First, it is an important insight for preservation in local perspective. The operating model puts an emphasis on the holism in human beings and living environment, which projects community memories, shapes localization, and constructs the basis on culture identification. Second, it is a principle of localized operation. Taking advantage of local community, the operating model innovatively creates great values and ideas to re-orient new direction of living locally. Third, it recognizes and further understands the community value locally in full-scale. Once the idea of localization successfully establishes, the civil is likely to pursue higher levels of dreamland, ideally and passionately. Last but not least, it breakthroughs the rigid frames in living. The business interests surpass a possibility to vividly lead an ideal lifestyle, and sacrifices a source of chance to create values. It is the alternative of such civil power that sustains community values in localization.