本研究在於了解民眾參與屏東慈鳳宮媽祖信仰之認知與參與心態,利用文獻分析法、訪談法、參與觀察法以及問卷調查的方式進行研究。在文獻分析方面,發現以往有關媽祖信仰的研究,多聚焦於民眾參與媽祖廟所舉辦之節慶活動,再綜合分析參與者之家庭背景、宗教信仰狀況,或從社會環境因素與地方文化產業的角度切入研究。本研究目的主要是從傳統的媽祖文化、儀式過程、地方認同以及宗教節活動的體驗去了解現代社會中媽祖信仰之變遷,並進一步藉由屏東慈鳳宮的宗教旅遊發展瞭解媽祖信仰之傳統與現代意義。在民眾對宗教旅遊體驗與地方認同之關係方面,本研究採用問卷調查,在2011年4月針對遊客與當地民眾發放500份問卷,回收有效問卷447份,以描述性統計、相關檢定與迴歸分析進行探討。研究結果如下:1. 本文以媽祖信仰、地方認同以及宗教旅遊觀光三者審視屏東媽祖信仰之發展,明確了解此為一個複雜且多方位之互動過程。2. 屏東市居民具有較強烈之地方認同。3. 宗教旅遊發展與地方認同受到節慶活動而轉型。4. 宗教旅遊具有市場利基。 In this study, the literature analysis, interview, participant observation and quantitative questionnaire approaches were adopted to understand the relationship between development of religious tourism and local identity; from the literature analysis, it is found that former researches on Matsu worship have been focused on the reasons why the inhabitants join in such festival events, those family backgrounds and religious beliefs, or analysis of social and environmental factors as well as the industry of local cultural. Therefore, the study would base on traditional Matsu worship, its ritual process, local identity and the explanation of its development to understand such religious tourism in the modern society. While the traditional and modern meanings of Matsu worship in the historical changes are understood from the context of religious tourism development in Pingtung’s Cihfong temple; in addition, the relationship between religious tourism experience and place identity for residents was conducted from questionnaire investigation, and there are four hundred and forty seven questionnaires returned from five hundred fore-sending pieces. Data are analyzed by descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, such as correlation analysis, hypothesis test, and regression analysis. The research findings include:1. This thesis focuses on three main aspects –Matsu worship, local identity and religious tourism – to examine the development of Pingtung’s culture of Matsu and try to clarify this complex and multi-faceted process of interaction.2. The inhabitant in Pingtung County have strong propensity toward local identity.3. Development of religious tourism and local identity have been changed due to festival events.4. There’s market niche in religious tourism.