近二十年來,臺灣男性與東南亞女性通婚的人數越來越多,「新移民子女」的教育問題逐漸成為人們關注的議題。本研究以嘉義縣17所幼稚園大班152位學童為研究對象,以「修訂學前兒童語言障礙評量表」為研究工具,以線性迴歸分析作為分析策略,探討三個問題:一、跨國婚姻之子女與本國人婚配之子女,在國語的語言理解能力是否有顯著差異。二、跨國婚姻之子女與本國人婚配之子女,在國語的口語表達能力上是否有顯著差異。三、造成本國通婚的幼兒與跨國婚姻者的幼兒之間語言能力差異之因素。 分析結果顯示:一、跨國婚姻之子女與本國人婚配之子女,在國語的語言理解能力、口語表達能力,均無顯著差異。二、「母親國籍」、「母親中文能力」對於幼兒的語言能力均無影響力。三、作為主要照顧幼兒者,母親的教育程度對於幼兒的語言能力具有重要意義。 In the past two decades, there is great growing number of intermarriages for Taiwanese male by marriage with female in Southeast Asia. The education problem of "children of immigrant residents" becomes the issue that people pay attention to gradually. The samples of this study were 152 children in kindergarten, in Chia-yi County. The paper not only adopted "Language Disorders Scale for Preschoolers-Revised ", developed by as a research tool, but also used the linear regression analysis as an analytical strategy to explore the following three questions: First, were there significant differences in the language comprehension of Mandarin between the children of transnational marriages and domestic marriages? Second, were there significant differences in the oral expression of Mandarin between the children of transnational marriages and domestic marriages? Third, what caused their differences of language abilities between the children of transnational marriages and domestic marriages? The main findings of this study were stated below: First, there was no significant difference in the language comprehension and the oral expression of Mandarin between the children of transnational marriages and domestic marriages. Second, "mother's nationality" (country of origin area) nor " mother's Mandarin competency" has impact on children's language ability. Third, as the primary caregiver, mother's education was important for children's language ability.