摘要: | 雲林縣已有縣志初稿,但一直沒有縣志的完成;古坑鄉沒有鄉志,因為發生九二一地震而更難書寫。對一個地區來說,如果缺少資料紀錄,那麼這一個地方就難以承先啟後,繼往開來。 身為雲林人,能為雲林這塊土地做一些事,留下文化資產,讓後來者能更加認識自己所生活的這塊土地,對故鄉的鄉土、人文、歷史,知所來處,知所適從,珍惜並傳承我們所共有的資產,捨我其誰? 本論文採取田野工作研究法、傳記、文本、歷史文獻資料分析法來進行研究。 文學的分類在地方志書慣用的分法可分為傳統文學、現代文學、民間文學。不過在本論文中,取江寶釵教授撰寫嘉義縣志文學志的分類法,將本論文主要內容分為古典文學、庶民文學及現代文學三個面向,以文體區分而不以時代區分;另外因為古坑鄉為一農業鄉,文人資料及作品數量極為有限,就算找到作家本人及後代,在古典文學部份往往資料散佚、焚毀,保存情況非常差,這與古坑的先天條件不良及後人在當代時空背景之下,不重視資料之保存有關;此外,命運多舛的臺灣在短時間內的不斷易主執政,也造成資料保存的限制。因此在介紹作家時,採用作家出生先後進行排序,並區分為古坑人及與古坑相關者。 古典文學即詩、詞、曲、賦等,蒐集到的古典文學以漢詩為敘述主題;庶民文學涵蓋謠諺、廟聯、傳說等;現代文學則以現代詩、散文、兒童文學、報導文學為主。本論文先進行廣泛的資料收集,並且較著重文學文獻的調查與發現。 本論文的內容有古坑的自然與人文介紹,分為自然地理環境、歷史沿革、文教概況與民間信仰;古坑地區古典文學發展,分為時代背景與文學環境及作家生平與作品介紹,另有與古坑相關的古典詩作品整理,並分析書寫主題與特色;現代文學發展,介紹時代背景與文學環境、作家生平及作品介紹、作者的書寫主題與特色;庶民文學發展則整理了傳說故事、地方俗諺、歌謠及鄉土材料,並對古坑鄉廟宇進行楹聯踏查及其聯對的撰寫內容分析、包括有關古坑的碑文。 本論文的寫作精神在發揚在地特色,為台灣的區域文學發展盡些許微薄的貢獻:發現並整理了雲林縣古坑地區之文學作家及相關材料,將此區域之資料進行整理、爬梳,可為古坑鄉志之文學史料建立初步架構以供後人利用。 Although Yunlin County has its local annals, it is still unabridged; and because of the 921 earthquake, it is more difficult for Gukeng Township to write its own annals. Without annals, it would be difficult for the people of a region to pass down their cultural heritage so as to pave way for the future. Being a citizen of Yunlin County, I find it an obligation to help reserve its cultural heritage, so as to help other people know more about the geography, history and humanity their hometown. By knowing our hometown’s origins and position, we would cherish more about our public assets. This study use ethnographical research along with content analysis, analyzing biographies, text and historical documents. Literature in annals can be categorized into traditional literature, contemporary literature and folk literature. However, the categorization in this study, was based on Chiayi County’s literary annals edited by Professor Bao-chai Jiang. They are: classical literature; subaltern literature; and contemporary literature. These categories are classified according to genres instead of timeline. However, because Gukeng is an agricultural county, the ancestors and later generations of Gukeng do not place importance on preserving the literatures. Even if authors or their descendants were found, their works, particularly classical literatures, were mostly incomplete, destroyed or damaged. Another reason for this deficiency is that Taiwan had been run in the reins of different government in a short term of time. As the number of literatures and works from literati are limited, the introductions of authors were sequences according to their birth date, rather than the publication date of their works. Moreover, the authors were further categorized as either natives of or related to Gukeng. Classical literatures includes Shi Poetry, Ci Poetry, Qu Poetry, Fu (Prose Poetry), and the main theme of the data collected in this study is Shi Poetry from Han dynasty. Subaltern literature comprises of folk proverbs, temple couplets and legends. Contemporary consist of contemporary poetry, prose and children’s literature. This study collected data extensively, and emphasizes on the searching and examining of these literatures. This study is divided into six chapters. First is the introduction, including motivation of the study, research method and scope, literature review and the framework of the study. The second chapter introduces the nature and humanities of Gukeng Township, and is categorized into its geography, history, culture and education and local religion. The development of classical literature of Gukeng Township is presented in the third chapter, which is divided into its background, literary environment and biography authors and introduction to their works. This study also analyzed the theme and characteristics of classical works related to Gukeng and included them in this chapter. Chapter four introduces the development of contemporary literatures, including the background of the era, its literary environment, authors’ biographies and works, authors’ wiring theme and characteristics. Chapter five is the development of subaltern literature, including the arrangement of legendary stories, Gukeng’s local proverbs, songs and local literature. Moreover, the study also analyzes the content of local temple couplets, including inscriptions. Finally, the sixth chapter is the conclusion. This study arranged and organized Gukeng Township’s authors and related materials, in hope that it would be of help to the writing of the literary annals of Gukeng Township in the future. |