本研究旨在探討嘉義地區國小六年級學生情緒智力與死亡焦慮的現況及其相關性的研究。研究方法採問卷調查法,引用王春展編製之「兒童情緒思維自陳量表」及Thorson與Perkins(1997)修訂之「修訂版死亡焦慮量表」(RDAS)為測量工具。正式樣本以嘉義地區國小六年級學生為母群體,分層隨機抽樣1139人為研究樣本,有效樣本為1029人,有效回收率為90.34%。將填答資料進行描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、多重比較檢定、皮爾森相關分析、典型相關分析等統計方法進行分析,獲得結論如下:一、嘉義地區國小六年級學生具有良好的情緒智力。二、嘉義地區國小六年級學生的死亡焦慮傾向偏高。三、嘉義地區國小六年級女生的情緒智力顯著高於男生。四、嘉義地區國小六年級女生的死亡焦慮傾向顯著高於男生。五、嘉義地區國小六年級學生,屬民間信仰的死亡焦慮傾向顯著高於信仰基督教的學生。六、嘉義地區國小六年級學生的情緒智力與死亡焦慮達顯著正相關。 最後,依據本研究發現,提出幾項建議提供各界與未來研究方向作為參考。 The purposes of the research were to understand the present situation and the correlation between the Emotional Intelligence and the Death Anxiety of the 6th-grade elementary school students in Chiayi area. The research method of this study was to adopt the questionnaire investigate, in which the “Children Emotional Intelligene scale” developed by Chuen Jan Wang and the RDAS revised by Thorson and Perkins were used. In this study, all 6th-grade elementary school students in Chiayi area were taken as the population. The random sampling of 1139 students was used in this study and there were 1029 validation samples. Researcher analyzes the data by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation analysis and canonical correlation analysis. The study conclusions are as followed:1. The Emotional Intelligence of the 6th-grade elementary school students in Chiayi area tended to be positive.2. The Death Anxiety of 6th-grade elementary school students in Chiayi area tended to be positive.3. The students with different genders had significantly difference in the Emotional Intelligence.4. The students with different genders, religions had significantly difference in the Death Anxiety.5. There was significant and positive correlation between the Emotional Intelligence and the Death Anxiety of the 6th-grade students in Chiayi area. Finally, according to these findings, several suggestions were offered for the academia and future researches.