本研究以社會心理學的觀點切入,來探究遊客的違規行為,很多研究顯現個人的態度、信念、行為常被別人影響,稱為從眾現象;另外,對團體遊客而言經過團體討論選擇後會發生個人和團體之風險移轉,可以斷定的是經團體討論而顯露出被別人的影響,將改變個人與團體一致決定的風險偏好。事實上,心理學家指出,團體成員似乎轉移到一個或另一個極端,相對於每個成員可能單獨作出選擇;團體是可能的主導因素,有助於規範行為。 國內外大多研究不當行為的文獻,其方法論主要以統計量化的方式進行,所探究之對象皆屬個案之探討,本研究嘗試站在客觀的立場以數學建模之方式,分析不當行為之傳播擴散,以及不同管理策略施行下,影響/抑制不當行為擴散之效果。 This research takes the perspective of social psychology to study the tourists' improper behaviors against regulations. Many reports demonstrate that individual's attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors are influenced by other people, that is, conformity phenomenon; In addition, in term of fellowship-tourists, group discussion and determination tend to change the initial risk preferences of individuals or groups. It is ensured that the influence resulted from group discussions, will change the risk preferences which are determined by individuals or groups. Actually, psychologists claim that group members seem to move to the other end, in contrast with the end taken by the single member; group determination could contribute to tourist's behaviours modified. Moreover, most researches on tourist's behavours against regulations are approached and the results come out in statistics/quantitative analysis. Meanwhile, they all take the objects for case study. In this research, the concept of meme-a thought contagion gene, was taken to simulate the dynamic diffusion process with mathematical modelling, and implicate and predict the percentage of ill-legal behavior in ecotourism activities under different environmental parameters and management strategies.