在市場規模經濟的侷限下,國小輕度智能障礙學生的人數較少,市場規模經濟效益較低,因此廠商投入開發此一領域之學習輔助媒體的意願普遍不高,導致國小輕度智能障礙學生較缺乏合適之輔助學習數學的動畫媒體。3D的視覺特效被認為適合在數學、科學、與機械等領域的學習輔助,其可提升一般學生的學習成效,唯對輕度智能障礙學生而言,其學習模式存在特殊性,因此本計畫之目的旨在以國小輕度智能障礙學生為使用對象,設計其適用的3D數學學習輔助動畫,且透過教室實地教學方式,由學校授課老師來評估國小輕度智能障礙學生使用3D數學學習輔助動畫的效果,並依據授課老師的評估結果進行修正後再次透過實驗設計以實驗組與對照組之不同教學模式來分析3D數學動畫的輔助學習成效。 Under the limitation of scale economy for the students of mild mental retaration in elementary school, the software companies have low intention to design the assisting learning animation of mathematics for those students. Therefore, the students of mild mental retaration in elementary school are lack of suitable assisting animation while they learn mathematics. The 3D visual effects are seen as a useful approach to improve the learning performance for the general students in learning mathematics, nature, and machine. For the students of mild mental retaration, their learning styles are different from the general students. The purpose of this study is to design and implement the assisting learning animation of mathematics for the students of mild mental retaration in elementary school. Through the classroom teaching practices, this study will modify the assisting learning animation according the suggestions from the teachers. After the modification, the effects of the 3D assisting learning animation of mathematics will be further analyzed by the experimental design.