組織資訊系統特性及其運用從單機、個人使用、在實體環境、單一組織脈落情境,演進為網路使用、多人使用社群型態、線上虛擬、跨組織或全球脈落情境的型態,加上組織員工使用科技的角色從單純使用者轉為從事多維度的人際互動活動的社會行動者。而作為組織賴以累積組織之知識資產的知識管理系統也儼然成為資訊科技系統及社會系統共構的社會科技系統 (socio-technological system)。然而,探索組織知識管理系統作為知識資產累積,必需依賴在社會科技系統提供員工作為互動討論辯證場域(環境)、知識創造活動任務的本質及員工個人知識創造所涉及的心理活動等三者達到適配,使能達到知識的創造及知識資產累積,進而提升組織之競爭力。然而,在上述社會科技系統提供員工作為互動討論辯證場域(環境)、知識創造活動任務的本質及員工個人知識創造所涉及的心理活動等三者適配度的探討及研究上,資訊管理研究領域尚未有人進行探討。同時,在理論上的形構及檢驗部分也闕如。本研究以個人—環境適配模式(Person-Environment Fit Model, P-E Fit Model)及任務—科技適配模式(Task-Technology Fit Model, TTF Model)作為本研究基礎視角,擬透過兩階段研究,探索社會科技環境—個人—任務三者適配的關係,進而建構及驗證理論模型。研究成果將作為後續研究組織運用社會科技系統以提昇員工個人及組織績效相關議題的參考。 The essences of information technology (IT) evolved from stand alone, for single user, bounded in physical setting and single organization context, to ICTs for multiple users’ community, unbounded through online access to multiple organizations and global settings. In addition, the role of individual in IT usage changed from a “user” to a “social actor” in ICTs. Due to this enormous change, the Enterprise Knowledge Management Systems (EKMSs) that are used for accumulating enterprise knowledge asset become a socio-technical system that are synergized by the social and technical systems. With this change, to fulfill the aim of the knowledge assets accumulation via the use of EKMSs, the social-technical system environment, individual characteristics, knowledge creation task have to be fit. In this project, we intent to develop and validate a social-technical E-P-T fit model through a two-phased research design. In the first phase, we will conduct a qualitative research to explore the core themes of the model and further examined it via quantitative method in the second phase. Research findings will contribute to both researchers and practitioners who are interested in knowledge management.