本計劃將研究民主理論之絕對平等概念,並將此絕對平等的民主權利概念推演到受 教育權之權利。試圖將受教權之權利位階提昇為具有絕對平等要求之基本權利。因此本 研究可以分成兩個部份。第一部份是要證成民主理論中有絕對平等概念。這個絕對平等 概念是民主理論中最根本的預設。這些預設在民主理論在發展其實質內容是即已存在的 預設。即個人在加入或是成為此社群之一份子是,就必然擁有的權利。這不因為你對社 群的貢獻、你的品德、你的能力或是社會文化地位而有不同的權利。這是最根本的絕對 平等權利。選舉權便是此一種權利之一。研究者將深入分析二位有相當系統性的建構民 主理論的當代思想家,Habermas(理想言談情境)及Rawls(原初狀態)來證成此種絕 對平等權利的理論預設。及另一個目的在論證教育權,做為個人能成此社群身份滿足 於前者要件的一種權利,又相當程度更優先於前所述之絕對性之平等權利。他的優先性 來自於對於絕對平等權對公民參與身份的預設,使的受教育權成為滿足其公民身份預設 的重要權利。不論是Habermas 的理想言談情境,還是Rawls 的原初狀態,都預設理性 能力、有追求公共善的心、溝通之誠意等公民的要素。這些要素,需要有一段教育的過 程來達成。因此這使的公民養成的受教育更有他的絕對性及根本性。此研究計劃便是要 證成受教育權為更根本的絕對平等權利。 This research project tended to discover the fundamental proposition of absolute equality in democratic theories. The researchers will start with two important democratic theorists, Habermas and Rawls, to analysis and discover their rooted conception of the absolute equality. These propositions of absolute equality are presumed in their very fundamental theoretical constructional scheme, ‘ideal speech situation’ and ‘original position’, which idealized the participants’ characteristics, as a rational men, capable of right and wrong distinction, willing to search for goods for public, etc. The second objective of this research will demonstrate that the educational right is even more important than the rights (for example, electoral right) discover in Habermas and Rawls theoretical schemes. The educational right is the right that guarantees the citizen to self-develop and become a independent and capable citizens. As the Habermas and Rawls’ democratic theory presumed absolute rights that can’t be abridged by any circumstances, the educational right must be protected and fulfilled prior to all the rights.