知識是21世紀的競爭利器,獲取知識除學校傳授外,最主要來自主閱讀學習。臺灣在政府及民間單位合力推動中小學閱讀養成計畫,提升閱讀風氣並塑造快樂閱讀環境。本研究探討國中學生課外閱讀行為、使用閱讀媒介與閱讀理解能力之關係,並藉由不同閱讀行為分析學生閱讀概況特徵與行為特質。本研究以嘉義縣公立國中一年級學生為對象,按學校規模分層抽取8所學校30個班級,共發出1,050份問卷,回收有效問卷達891份(84.9%)。問卷輔以中國行為科學社之國中學校能力測驗語文部分施測,測量學生閱讀理解能力,藉此了解課外閱讀行為與理解能力之關連。結果顯示「紙本閱讀時間」與「閱讀理解能力」呈正相關;主要閱讀環境、動機、目的、主題與來源分別為「家庭」、「書本的內容有趣」、「紓解壓力」、「文學」與「自行購買」。 Knowledge is known to be a powerful weapon of competition in the 21st century. To acquire knowledge, not only those are taught in schools but also the independence and autonomy in reading and learining. Activities such as “BookStart” promoted by both government and private organizations to creat reading friendly environments in Taiwan. This research is designed to explore the current status for extracurricular behavior of junior high school students, understand their extracurricular reading behaviors and the correlations between the reading medium employment and reading comprehension capability of seventh graders of Jiayi County public junior high schools. Based on the size and student number of schools, thirty classes among eight schools were selected by stratified sampling, totally 1,050 surveys were sent with 891 (84.9%) effective responses collected. Language and written assessments were also held to measure the reading comprehension capability and correlationship to extracuuricular reading hevavior of respondents. Results show that the major reading location, motivation, purpose, theme, source were “home”, “interested in the content”, “pressure release“, “literature”, and“purchased by parents” respectively.