隨著網際網路的快速發展,人們的生活方式漸漸被改變,閱讀方式也從原本的紙本閱讀逐漸轉變為數位閱讀。網際網路市場呈現了極為快速的成長趨勢,電子商務的發展使得消費者與供應商之間有了新的樣貌。在台灣,電子書產業已經逐漸為人們所注意。然而,隨著電子書的蓬勃發展,探究影響人們選擇電子書行為意向之因素便成為了出版界的挑戰之一。本研究以結構方程模型來探討影響電子書選擇行為之因素為何。從本研究中獲得的結果可被用來改善電子書的服務品質為出版界提供更有效的管理策略。 With rapid development of computer technology, many aspects of human life are being transformed into digital forms, including the reading environment. The internet represents a growing and huge market. The development of e-commerce is an efficient business model which enables new relationship between consumers and suppliers. In particular, the e-book market in Taiwan is obviously becoming a noticeable market. However, as the market grows and matures, to explore what features of e-books affect their reading attitude becomes one of the challenges for publishing circles. From the survey, we explore what kind of factors can influence e-book choice behavior intention via structural equation model. The results obtained in this study can be used to improve the e-book service quality for publishing circles and development more effective management strategies.