家庭在孩童教育上扮演最重要的角色,短期間很難改善家庭學習環境與條件,但要讓小朋友增加學習的時間,只能在放學後部份補足家長在家庭督導課業的責任。本研究記錄一個課後輔導教室在部落的建置過程,從介入到磨合。在介入的過程中發生什麼衝突?在磨合時期又該具備那些條件?這期間經歷了莫拉克風災,部落教室又扮演什麼角色? 瞭解與尊重部落的文化,透過溝通結合部落、學校與家庭的力量,藉由組織的合作達到永續的經營。在課後補救教學的過程,不斷的調整適性的教學模式。最後當然是以將家庭引導進入教育為努力的目標。研究過程的紀錄是一段經驗的分享,教室仍然持續的在夜裡亮著燈,故事還在繼續著…… Family plays the most important role for children education, but it is difficult to improve the learning environment and family conditions in the short time. If you want to increase learning time for children to make up parents’ responsibility, the only way is help and support children’s homework after school. This study records the building process for an after-school classroom in the tribe, from intervention to run-in period. What conflict occurred when first involved in ? In the run-in period, what conditions should we have? During this period, there was a typhoon Morakot attacked the tribe, what role did the classroom play to these children? To Understand and respect for tribal culture, we combined the strength of both schools and family through communication with tribes to achieve sustainable management. We continually adjusted teaching process and method in the process of after-school make-up education. Finally we guided the family get into the education goal. According to the research record, it is a shared experience, the classroom lights are still ongoing at nights, the story still continues ... ...