本研究旨在探討一位身心障礙學生從特教班轉學進入普通班就讀,如何建構其個人生活世界經驗。研究過程中採取深度訪談、教室觀察及研究對象個人IEP紀錄等資料,進行資料的蒐集分析。經由對於研究對象個人成長生活史描述,及研究對象在普通班和特教班求學過程中於教室客觀環境、課程內容、人際互動及家庭關係各方面之比較,來描述研究對象在回歸到普通班級之後個人身心狀況適應的情形。 經由本研究結果發現:研究對象在回歸到普通班級之後,普通班級中的課程造成其莫大壓力,研究對象在個性上變得更沉默、害羞、與同學之問互動很少。研究對象雖於特教班中接受過部份時間的融合教育,就其進入普通班級的幫助其實有限。建議在由特教班轉入到普通班之前宜接受更完整的轉銜服務及評估。 The topic of the study is to confer a disabled student how to construct her experience of life-world, after she transferred to common class. The process of the research adopted depth interview, classroom observation and IEP information that the researcher made use of the collection and analysis of materials. By the depiction of the case’s growth background, the comparison of classroom environment, curriculum content, interpersonal interaction and family relationship between common class and special education class, the researcher described the case how to adapt the situation to the new environment. The result is that the case became more silent and less interaction in the common class, because curriculum content made her more pressure. The case accepted part-time inclusive education, but the function to help her enter common class is limited. The suggestion is that the case should accept more and full estimation and connecting service before entering common class.