隨著行動商務的蓬勃發展,行動銀行已逐漸成為金融業者開拓行銷通路與獲取競爭優勢的重要策略之一。然而銀行導入行動銀行的研究在台灣仍為少數。本研究依據科技-組織-環境架構與創新擴散理論建立概念性研究架構,以多重個案研究法探討影響銀行導入行動銀行服務的關鍵因素。並以半結構式訪談進行資料蒐集,針對兩家本土銀行與一家外商銀行進行深入訪談。之後進行訪談資料的內容分析與歸納,推導出七個研究命題。再根據研究命題,本研究提出主要影響我國銀行導入行動銀行的關鍵因素。並且進行管理上的推論,以及研究限制以及未來研究方向的討論。 With the vigorous development of the mobile commerce, mobile banking has become an important business strategy to expand distribution channels and gains a competitive advantage. However, little research has been investigated the critical factors affecting Taiwan bank implementation of mobile banking. A multiple case study was employed in order to investigate critical factors for establishing mobile banking based on technology-organization-environment framework and diffusion of innovation theory. We conducted semi-structural interviews to collect data. The interviewees were consists of managers and specialists from three case banks (two domestic banks and one foreign bank). The data were analyzed by induced seven research propositions. This study provides illustrations and rationale for critical factors influencing the implementation of mobile banking in Taiwanese banks. Finally, the implications, limitations, and future research direction will be discussed.