在數位時代,對文字有能力且能自主思考的人才是目前瞬息萬變的世界中具有生存優勢者,而其中閱讀扮演著最關鍵角色。因此,本研究透過單組實驗前後測設計,以國中二年級某班共30名學生作為研究對象,進行為期12 週,共20 小時的閱讀引導活動,來探討閱讀引導介入後之E世代國中生閱讀動機的改變。研究發現閱讀引導活動可提更網路世代學生、非網路依賴群組及非新移民子女的閱讀外在動機,但未能提升其閱讀內在動機。 Kenichi Ohmae, the master of trend in Japan, suggested in his work-Teaching the Children to Survive, the 21st century is “the time with various responses”. Only the ones with “capacity to find the responses by personal intelligence” and “capacity to transmit information and drive people” can survive. In digital time, the talents with literary capacity and independent thinking can survive in changeable world. Reading plays the most critical role. This study used pretest and posttest design of pre-experiment single group, and treated 30 students in one class of Grade 8 in junior high school as subjects for reading guidance which lasted for 12 weeks with a total of 20 hours to find the change of subjects’ reading motivation.