摘要: | 根據調查指出,實施週休二日後,青少年有更多的時間從事各種休閒活動。博物館如何在休閒場所多元的環境中吸引青少年族群入館?如何創造獨具風格的特色,使之在競爭環境中創造出青少年重要的觀眾客源。本研究以青少年為主要對象,從相關研究了解青少年在博物館利用情形及參觀經驗進行了解,並對博物館未來開拓青少年市場的相關可能性提出建議。 歸納研究結果得知:一、青少年觀眾對科教館印象、參觀科教館行為及經驗之現況青少年對科教館印象為聽過、印象還不錯、有吸引力、認為建築物有特色;會特地專程來參觀,入館時間以10:01~11:00最多,和同儕一起來居多且同行人數3-5人為主,主要參觀動機為休閒娛樂,來館資訊以同學師長親友推薦為主,多數為第1次參觀,停留時間為4小時以上,喜歡自己隨意參觀,使用館內設施上,僅有捷運接駁車、專人解說服務、展場定時導覽及演示服務及館內專賣店四項使用度較低;認為票價是合理,參觀收穫以有獲得新知最多,會再來原因為可增加科學新知,不會再來原因為展示內容不吸引人、不常舉辦多樣特展或推廣活動。二、不同背景青少年觀眾對科教館印象是否有關?對科教館了解程度及吸引力與年齡、教育程度有關,對整體印象與年齡有關。三、不同背景青少年觀眾參觀科教館之參觀行為是否有關?青少年觀眾來科教館參觀原因與年齡、職業有關;同行人數及停留時間與年齡、教育程度、職業有關;來館動機、資訊、主要參觀方式及交通工具與年齡有關,來館次數與年齡、教育程度、居住區域有關。四、不同背景青少年觀眾參觀科教館之參觀經驗是否有關?在設施使用及滿意度上、參觀科教館後整體滿意度上、代為宣傳科教館活動、再來意願、參觀票價看法、參觀收穫有顯著性差異。 The survey indicates that the teenagers are granted more time to get engaged in various leisure activities due to the weekend holidays. Thus, it is a key issue for museums to attract teenagers to visit them and create unique style to exert the source of juvenile visitors against the furious competition in a circumstance full of many leisure locations. This study aims to understand the utility and visit experience of teenagers on museums and thus proposes the advices to the possibilities concerning the exploration on juvenile market for museums in terms of research. The findings are concluded as follows. 1.The status quo of teenagers'impression and their visit behavior and experience on NTSECThe teenagers expressed that they knew NTSEC, had good impression, and felt it attractive and architecturally characteristic, so they were willing to visit it. The visit time is 10:01-11:00. Most teenagers come with peers and the group is 3-5 persons. The main motive is leisure and entertainment. The reason is the recommendation from classmates, teachers, relatives or parents. Most visiting for the first time stay about 4 hours. They are fond of random visit. As for the utility of indoor facilities, the low-utility items include MRT shuttle bus, exclusive narration, regular guide and performance, and indoor boutique. The ticket fare is affordable. The gain is the new knowledge acquisition. The reason for repeated visit is to increase the scientific knowledge whereas the reason for non-repeated visit is the contents failing to be attractive or the deficient special exhibitions or promotions.2.The correlation of teenagers' background and their impression on NTSECThere is correlation between the degree of understanding on NTSEC and attraction and age and education and between total impression and age.3.The correlation of teenagers' background and their visit in NTSECThere is correlation between the reason of visiting NTSEC and age and occupation, between the number of group and time to stay and age, education and occupation, between the motive, information and visit manner and transportation tool and age, between the frequency of visiting NTSEC and age, education and residential area.4.The correlation of teenagers' background and their visit experience on NTSECThere is difference regarding facility utility and satisfaction, total satisfaction after visit, propaganda for NTSEC, aspiration for repeated visit, perspective on fare and visit gain. |