本論文主要是將太極與八卦的圖騰與象徵意義映入「嘉義太極八景」的繪畫創作之中。《易經•繫辭上篇十一章》:「易有太極,是生兩儀,兩儀生四象,四象生八卦」。以一花一世界的對應模式,應用於一景一太極、一圖一吉祥的理論來探討大宇宙中的小太極“嘉義”,使形而下的太極與八卦圖騰融入八景之造型藝術架構中,並以《周易》的哲學思維為其靈魂背景,將嘉義八景以藝術形式呈現,另創「嘉義太極八景」。《易經˙繫辭下篇三章》曰:「易者,象也。象也者,像也」。所談的就是在天成象,在地成景的自然之道。作品以觀景取象的觀點創作,藉由太極與八卦的對應關係串聯主題,將八景的圖像、內涵、以油畫形式表現並做完整的詮釋。本論文主要分成五章。第一章緒論主要論述創作動機與目的,及研究方法與文獻資料的整理。第二章針對主題做深入探討,闡述「嘉義八景」的地理、文化、歷史、精神。第三章論述創作過程與哲思,第四章創作理念與作品詮釋,第五章結論,表達個人的觀感與期許。 This paper aims at reflexion of the symbol of totem of eight trigrams and Tai-chi into the creation of painting for of Tai-chi-eight sceneries at Chiayi. The book 《Change.Xi-Ci-Chua》shows that Change has Tai-chi which creates two yi(儀). Two yi create four xiang(象), four xiang create eight trigrams. 《Change》shows that Change has Tai-chi which creates two yi(儀). Two yi create four xiang(象), four xiang create eight trigrams. Correspondence of flower with the world is a model which is applied to the relation between scenery and Tai-chi, and to the relation between picture and lucky. The model of correspondence plays as a role of thoery through which little Tai-chi "Chiayi"in the great world is discussed. The theory makes the phyical Tai-chi and the totem of eight trigrams to integrate into the constrution of the prastic arts of the eight sceneries. I would try to explore the eight sceneries at Chiayi through the form of arts and therefore create the eight sceneries of Tai-chi at Chayi. It means that my work has a background from the philosophical thought of 《Chou-Change》.《Change. Xi-Ci-Chua》shows that Change is nothing but symbol. This means that the way of nature becomes symbols in the nature, sceneries in the land. My work is grounded on the view, and combines the correspondence between Tai-chi and eight trigrams with my theme, explores and explains completely the pictures of eight sceneries and its content through painting. My paper consists of 5 chapters. The first charpter is about my motives, end of creation, the method of research and the literature. In the second I would like to discuss and explore deeply the geography, culture, history and the spirit of the eight sceneries at Chayi. In the third charpter the process of my creation and philosophy is explored. The fourth charpter concerns about the ideas of creation and the explorsion of my works. The fifth charpter is conclusion which shows what I think and hope.