教育種類有明顯的性別區隔—男性傾向理工;女性傾向人文。對此現象,或歸因於數學能力的男女差異;或是父母親的教育期待。本研究以「台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」資料,檢驗父母親對子女的補習之投入程度、學生的數學能力及補習數學的成效是否有性別差異,以釐清教育選擇性別化之原因。 分析結果顯示,在控制其他因素之後,國中生的數學能力及補習對數學成績的效果均無性別差異;女學生參加補習的程度高於男學生,此表示父母親對於子女的數學學習之教育投資,並沒有重男輕女的現象,甚至對女孩的投資高於對男孩;男女學生在更高教育階段學習種類的區隔現象,可能並非數理能力不同或是父母教育投資差異所致,應為其他因素所影響;此外,就讀國中資優班的學生在國小時期的補習較多,此現象顯示「補習」對於「產生」資優生具有一定的效果。 On the fields of study, sex-segregation is obvious and has been for a long time. Some researchers argue that parents’ expectation, learning abilities, or natural divergence plays the major role. Using data from the “Taiwan Education Panel Survey, TEPS”, I estimate the effects of parents’ educational investments, gender, and going cram schooling on the mathematic score of the senior high school students. By analyzing the data set, it is found that: 1) parents invest more educational investments on girl than on boy; 2) the effect of gender on mathematic achievement is not significant; and 3) the effect of going cram schooling on mathematic achievement has no gender gap. According to these findings above, sex-segregation on fields of study in higher education maybe associated with socialization.