孩子們從小收看的節目,往往會對小朋友們帶來影響(Smale, 1999)。許多家長為了小孩而賦予電視不少負面評價,但卻會鼓勵收看專門為幼兒設計的視聽 「教材」。事實上,視聽教材在幼兒教育中早已成了不可或缺的元素,近幾年來,更將應用的教育對象拓展到學齡前的兒童上。 然而,市場上流通著各式各樣的幼兒視聽教材,隨著出版法廢除,這些教材出版品已不再像過去那樣受到政府單位嚴格把關,透過研究深入瞭解幼兒們所使用的幼兒視聽教材便成了當務之急。因此,本研究將選擇專為學齡前幼兒階段教育設計的幼兒視聽教材進行研究,並選擇幼兒視聽教材市場中銷售量與訂閱量榮獲全台之冠之巧連智作為主要研究文本。 為了具體瞭解幼兒在收看教材的過程中受到何種文化價值觀洗禮,本研究採用語藝研究中的幻想主題批評方法,剖析二零零八年小朋友巧連智幼幼版的視聽教材,從整理出的場景主題、角色主題與行動主題,歸納出勾勒完美空間、傳統禮教傳承,與符合社會期望三幻想類型,並上綱得到打造理想國度之語藝視野。另外,也針對角色人物安排、價值觀選擇的標準、性別角色設定,與文本內容所提到的幼稚園相關議題進行延伸探討。 Education is an important factor to personal development. Pre-school education is the key to build a foundation for young children's success. Audio-visual material has been broadly used in children's learning, it is necessary to analyze the content of the material. This study aims to explore the rhetoric of the most popular audio-visual material for children in Taiwan, Benesse's audio-visual material, specified for the 2-3 years old. Using symbolic convergence theory and fantasy theme analysis, it was found that Benesse has build up an ideal kingdom for young children. In order to achieve it, Benesse not only follows the traditional cultural values and moral standard in Taiwan as the codes of conduct, but also enhances the norms of our society and the expectations toward pre-school children. The researcher also extended and elaborated some issues found in the analysis. This study reveals both advantages and disadvantages of Benesse.