Cosplay文化在台灣近20年,歷經了迷文化到次文化的變遷過程。本研究將這文化變遷歷程劃分為三個時期:90年代萌芽期的迷文化、進入千禧年從迷到次文化的過渡期與2005年之後沉澱期的次文化。 從1990年附屬於社團活動之下的Cosplay活動是一種迷的展現,角色扮演者實踐身為迷的過程,對具體單一文本長時間的投射、文本內容瞭若指掌,逐漸聚集成一個龐大群組體系。逐漸演遷的結果,多元化角色進入,改變了原有的活動模式,於千禧年進入過渡時期,此時Cosplay的意涵不斷地被檢視,並在重複往返中慢慢沉澱,朝著次文化的形式邁進。2005年後,Cosplay有著角色扮演者偶像化與美學形式化兩種極具次文化風格的精神,而Cosplay也不僅止於角色扮演,而是可以從中擷取、挪用的生活美學與態度。 The Cosplay culture in Taiwan has recent 20 years, which process vicissitude from the fan culture to the sub-culture. This research is divided into three periods: 1. 90s is a fan culture 2. Millennium is a transition period 3. After 2005 is a sub-culture. From 1990, Coser is a fan. They are come together and project their emotion in a single text. Moreover, they are spend time to collect all of the text. After hours, many roles are into Cosplay, that makes Coser has variety of choice. Therefore in Millennium, Cosplay is change the activity mode. This moment, the Cosplay's meaning is constantly viewed and from the fan culture to the sub-culture. After 2005, Coser becomes an idol and Cosplay into an aesthetic form. For the reason that Cosplay is not only a Cos culture, but also has a sub-culture style.