本研究旨在探討小型國小所面臨的困境及創意轉型的過程及經營的現況,最後再根據研究結果與發現提出結論與建議,期望對小型國小在面臨廢校困境時因應措施有所幫助。研究方法採質性研究的主題研究法進行,選取台北縣漁光國小的「假日遊學」為例,研究結論如下: 一、小型國小通常位處交通不便、文化不利的偏遠地區,教職員流動率高,師生皆有城鄉差異,因人數不足,缺乏競爭力,成本過高而有廢校危機。 二、小型國小要增加永續經營的契機,須思考運用創意轉型的方式,使學校教育方式創新。 三、小型國小具備人數少、彈性大、調整快的優勢,有利於轉型改革的進行。 四、學校的創意轉型,校長具關鍵性角色,是學校改革發展的主要領導人物,因此校長須有積極創新改革的理念,並提出策略及有相當能力帶動全校,才能順利進行。 五、學校老師、家長及社區能認同並積極配合,轉型策略才能真正執行並達成。 六、轉型策略須對學生學習利多於弊的原則下進行,不能失去原本學校教育的立場及功能。 The research focused on a small-sized elementary school in Taipei County that faced a crisis of merging (and/or abolishing) because there were insufficient students. It hence transformed creatively into a school for study tour on holidays. The purposes of the research were to identify the crisis, the process of transformation and the ways of management. Qualitative approach was employed to collect and analyze research data. The major findings are as follows: 1.Small-sized schools are usually remote, which leads to high turnover rate among teachers. Students are insufficient and therefore short of competitiveness. High running cost causes the crisis of being merged. 2.In order to keep sustainable development. They must transform creatively. 3.They can transform fast and flexibly because of their small size. 4.Principals are the key roles in the process of transformation. They must possess reformative ideals, provide effective strategies and actively lead the teams. 5.It needs that teachers, parents and the whole community identify with the ideals and participate in the process to achieve the aim of transformation. 6.The strategies of transformation must be beneficial for students. Schools should persist in the standpoint of education and the function of teaching.